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Think you deserve a promotion? Here’s how to get it in five simple steps

  • September 29, 2017

Have you been over performing in your current position, exceeding expectations, and being given glowing reviews by your employer? If the answer is yes, then you may very well be ready for that all important promotion. Clearly, though, the opportunity isn’t going to simply fall into your lap. So how do you get noticed and get that well deserved promotion?

Here are our five top tips.

Set goals:

Setting goals should always be your first step, if you aren’t clear about where you want to go or what you want to achieve you’ll find yourself stuck in the same role. Only once you’ve set yourself goals can you start to work out how to achieve them. Work out the specific position you want and then imagine yourself attending an interview and the kind of questions they might ask. What makes you the right fit for the position? Do you have the appropriate experience? How would you manage the responsibilities? If you aren’t already able to answer these questions then they should provide you with a good indication of what you need to work on.

Why do you deserve the promotion?

Consider exactly why you’re suitable for the new role. If you’ve developed skills beyond the ones required for your current position see how well they align with those required for a more senior role. If they overlap significantly then it’s likely your manager may already be considering you for a step up. Conversely, if your skillsets aren’t yet up to the level required, then make sure to demonstrate that you are proactively taking steps to improve key skills and are committed to continued professional development. The same principle applies for your relevant experience, do you have enough already, or are there new responsibilities you could potentially take on?

Shout about your achievements:

Make sure your manager is aware of your achievements. If you work in a fast paced environment you’ll likely find that smaller successes are brushed to one side fairly quickly, or that your input into team achievements isn’t fully recognised. However, being able to demonstrate your successes and contributions will be key when discussing a potential promotion with your boss, so make sure to document all of them, however minor they may seem.

Get a meeting in the diary:

Schedule a meeting with your boss. While it’s important to formally schedule a consultation with your manager to ensure they understand the importance of the meeting, it’s also vital that you approach the conversation with enquires rather than demands. Let them know that you are keen to receive feedback on your performance and ask about potential opportunities for you to move up. Explain why you want to take on a new role, and demonstrate why you are ready if given the opportunity. However refrain from being pushy – if you come across as demanding you’ll hurt your chances of promotion rather then come any closer to gaining one.

Be realistic:

Be patient and realistic. If there is a role already available it may be that your meeting highlights you as an obvious candidate, however you may find that the reason you haven’t been promoted yet is because there simply isn’t a position open. In which case it’s key that you continue to demonstrate your relevant skillset, enthusiasm and commitment to professional development. You may find that your promotion is just around the corner.

Take a look at some our other blogs to gain some more valuable career advice.

Or take a look at our current roles to find your next game-changing role.

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How to make partner: the route to the top

  • September 4, 2017

Being a Partner is not for everyone.  Not all Legal Professionals will want the stress and added workload brought on by making Partner. But for most – this will be the aim and the potential pinnacle of their career. But what is the route to the top? Here’s how to make Partner.

Be at the right firm

This one should be obvious. You have to keep in mind that working for an organisation and essentially becoming a major shareholder in it are two very different things. Trying to make Partner is a major commitment so you need to make sure your efforts won’t be wasted. Do you have complete faith in the firm’s ability to gain and retain clients? Will you get along with the other partners or will you clash heads? Most importantly, do you have the ability to sustain and develop the practice? These are all questions that need answering, ideally, before you find yourself as a Partner.

Nail the new business

Yes, a detailed knowledge of legal precedents is highly valuable, but in all honesty, a detailed understanding of Rylands vs Fletcher or Donoghue vs Stevenson is unlikely to get you there on its own. Even if it did, you wouldn’t last long unless you can bring in new business. This is a must and anyone unable to do so is unlikely to make Partner.

Get a mentor

Similar to the previous point, making partner is all about being ‘part of the club’ and a quick method of ensuring that you’re not left on the outside is to have an influential partner as your mentor. They’re likely – as long as you’re on the right tracks – to act as your advocate at the partnership table which can only help your case in the long run.

Play the long game

Someone once described planning for partnership as akin to playing a seven-year game of chess, and they’re not far off. You can have a good shot by moving pieces around randomly and hoping for the best, but in reality each decision you make should reflect your intentions. That means, like chess, it’s critical to build a long-term game plan that allows you to develop the skills and network necessary to make Partner.

Become a natural networker

You may now be asking what a natural networker actually is. It’s someone that’s not forcing it and is adept at creating relationships organically and isn’t just networking out of their desire to make partner. This isn’t sustainable and, more importantly, people will see through it. It’s difficult to trust someone you think is inauthentic and potentially out to get something from you and it’s much more preferable to form long term, authentic bonds with people. This certainly isn’t an easy skill to develop – and its one that almost everyone desires – but it’s definitely worth taking the time to focus on.

Sort your life out

In the past, achieving a work/life balance while trying to make partner was probably a distant dream, in many of the tougher firms that is unfortunately still the case. However, if you’re intent on reaching the top, you need to make sure you don’t join the ever-growing pile of associates who have burnt themselves out seeking Partnership. That means you have to be smart and plan ahead. Try and create barriers between work and home life so the latter is just seen as a place to relax and shake off stress at the end of the day and you’ll find that process becomes considerably easier. Nick Goseland, an attorney at US firm, Lateral Link, wrote a piece on exactly that subject where he argued that a long career in the legal sector is an ultra-marathon, not a sprint. He suggested that if each day at work feels unbearable, then take some steps at home and at work to change this before you burn out. We couldn’t agree more.

What are your top tips on how to make partner?

Take a look at some our other blogs to gain some more valuable career advice

Or take a look at our current roles to find your next game-changing senior role.

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5 tips for handing in your notice

  • July 28, 2017

You’ve landed a new job, so why do you feel so stressed? Part of the reason is probably the worry over handing in your notice. It can be challenging to part ways with an employer, particularly if you’ve been there for a long time. After all, you don’t want to seem disloyal, or like you’ve gone behind their back to secure a new role. You may also be worried about burning bridges or impacting long term-relationships. We’ve provided some helpful tips that should make handing in your notice a stress free experience.

Bringing it up

Don’t hang about when you’ve been offered a new role and look to book a date in the diary as soon as possible when handing in your notice. Leaving it until later will only mean the issue is hanging over you and it could even begin to potentially eat into your notice period.

What to say

The vast majority of meetings will only be awkward if you make them so. Your manager is most likely an experienced professional so this won’t be the first time they’ve dealt with someone leaving. They’ll probably ask you where you’re moving to, and why, and if you want to avoid burning bridges, focus on the opportunity you’ve been presented with, as opposed to the reasons for you leaving the current firm. It’s advisable to resist the temptation to criticise the company and instead focus on confirming your resignation, telling your boss about the new role and thanking them in person for the support you’ve received.

The counter offer

Unless your boss has been counting down the days until you hand in your resignation it’s possible that you’ll be made a counter offer in the form of a promotion, pay rise or potentially even both. But what do you do when you’re intent on handing in your notice?

Whatever you do, don’t accept anything there and then. Weigh up your current options and consider whether a pay increase or change of role is actually what you’re looking for. Can your current company keep up with your ambitions? If so, why haven’t they already? It can be tempting to accept an offer on the spot, but if the same problems will reappear a few months down the line, then it’s probably not worth taking it.

What to write in your resignation letter

When it comes to your resignation letter, keep it professional and as straightforward as possible. Inform your manager of your decision and, if you’re genuinely sad to be leaving, write something along the lines of “it is with regret that I have decided to move on.” Then you should confirm when your last date will be, state that you are happy to assist with handovers or training and end on a positive note and again thank them for the support they’ve provided during your time with the firm. You can, if you like, go into greater detail about why you’re leaving, but it’s likely you will have broached this in the meeting.

How to deal with workplace emotion

If you’re a valued member of staff and have a good relationship with your boss then they may find it hard to mask their emotions, but in this instance it’s ok to be empathetic and express your sadness about your departure. However, it’s also advisable to keep a level head – this is still a professional relationship and you’re, hopefully, doing what’s best for your career. You might feel a touch of guilt once the decision has been widely announced but, again, this is only natural, particularly if you’ve got friends at work and/or a supportive boss. Just remember, if they really care for you, they will want you to succeed so shouldn’t have any ill feeling towards you.

Handing in your notice can be stressful, but it doesn’t need to be. Follow our handy tips and get in contact if you’re considering finding a new role at a new firm.

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Time for a career change?

  • July 24, 2017

We’ve all been there. Sometimes, regardless of how good things may be going at your current firm, or how successful you’ve been, you might feel like a change of scenery. But how can lawyers assess their career options and identify whether it’s time for a career change, and what should their next steps be?

Career change

There are plenty of factors for legal professionals to consider when weighing up a career change and it’s important to remember that the grass certainly isn’t always greener on the other side. You should take into account whether your departure will affect any cases you’re currently working on and whether you’ll be able to maintain courteous and professional relationships with your current firm. Can you ethically transfer your existing clients to your new employer? What effect will this have on your practice area? Will moving impact your ability to make partner? It’s crucial to keep these questions and many more in mind when making a move as you don’t want to find yourself in a worse position than you started in.

The warning signs

It goes without saying that if you’re not happy in your current role then you should leave it. That much is obvious. We spend far too much time at work to do something we don’t enjoy and your mental health is more important than any job. However, there are less obvious indicators that might mean it’s time for you to consider a career change. If you want to change to a specialism that your firm doesn’t focus on, or feel like your progression with your current employer is limited then that could suggest you need to move. Alternatively, you might want to seek out an employer that could potentially offer an improved work/life balance or the opportunity to work overseas. There are myriad options out there but ultimately, the only person that can understand your motivations and whether it’s the right time to leave is you. A good rule of thumb is that if you think your performance has been affected in any way – it’s time for a change.

Maintaining relationships

One thing you certainly don’t want to do is burn bridges and you must avoid what Facebook COO, Sheryl Sandberg calls, ‘leaving before you’ve left’ where you’ve essentially internally resigned while in the process of looking for a new job. This will only leave a bad taste and may affect your long term career success. It’s worth remembering that the legal sector is relatively insular and word travels fast. If you’ve downed tools for one firm, there’s a good chance others have heard about it. Try and leave on the best possible terms and, unless you’ve had a thoroughly unpleasant stint, attempt to leave the doors open for a possible return in the future. After all, you never know where your career could take you.

There are no concrete rules for when you should consider a career change, but what is important is that you do it on your terms and in the right way, otherwise it could impact your role at your next employer and ultimately your career progression.

Check out some of our other blogs to find out how you can get ahead in your career.

Or take a look at some of our current legal jobs.

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Top tech tools for lawyers

  • July 11, 2017

Whether you’ve been in the legal field for one year or for 25, you’ll know the value of being organised. However, in the modern ‘information overload’ world that we all live in, it can be challenging to remain on top of things. There are myriad different apps and programmes you can use to help organise your life and get ahead from your competition, however even cutting through the noise and working out what works and what doesn’t can be a major challenge. So what are the top tech tools for lawyers and how can they benefit your career?


Only the most technologically illiterate are likely to have not heard of Dropbox, the most advanced and robust file storage tool out there. As lawyers, you’ll be well aware that your existing storage space on your phone, tablet or desktop can get filled quickly with all the documents that you’re sent on a daily basis, and using a programme like Dropbox can provide extra storage as well as helping you to remain organised. It’s also a useful – and secure – tool for exchanging information online with your clients and colleagues.

Practice management

There are plenty of different types of practice management software out there, some of which are suited to firms of a certain size or specialism. However, it’s probably fair to say that the most widely effective platform is MerusCase, a tool that lets you manage and automate your cases, communication, calendar, court forms, templates and case files. And as the programme is cloud-based one of the main benefits is that everything is one place. It’s advisable to do your homework as different programmes will suit different firms and individuals, however it’s likely you’ll find that adopting the software will make you more organised and your files safer.


Ensuring your data is secure should be an absolute priority, particularly with the spate of high profile hacks taking place in recent months. If organisations with the resources of the likes of Sony, Google and IHG haven’t been able to stop hackers, then the average legal firm doesn’t stand much chance, unless that is, it invests heavily in its online defences. However, most companies still have their head in the sand when it comes to data security, and it’s often down to the individual to ensure that they remain safe when operating online. Almost every app or programme requires a password of some sort and the ever growing list of phrases with or without a grammatical symbol, number or capital letter can be hard to keep up with. By far and away the best product is Lastpass as this means you need to remember just one password. It also offers a safe and secure place to store login and credit card details, for example.

Research tools

As you’ll all be only too aware, one of the more time consuming aspects of the average lawyer’s role is research. However, that’s about to change as there are now two tools which look set to shake up the status quo in the legal industry. The first is Casetext, which contains a programme called Cara that finds relevant case law files for lawyers who upload legal documents, allowing them to get the exact cases they need. And the second is Ravel Law, which gives lawyers insights into how judges have ruled on previous cases, allowing professionals to tailor their preparations ahead of their cases, both of which can potentially save you a huge amount of time.

Work/life balance

Don’t laugh, it is possible to achieve a work/life balance when working in the legal sector. Obviously, a lot of the pressure is out of your hands, however creating boundaries is an effective way of regaining control. By using Google Voice to separate your phone lines – for free – you can set up a separate number for your firm on your mobile and restrict its hours, meaning the days of late night calls will be a thing of the past. It also means that clients can call or text you without reaching you on your personal number or pursuing you when you’re busy. You can even read transcribed voicemails and text messages when you’re in court and, as if that wasn’t enough, there’s also an automatic timing function so you can bill clients accordingly.

Ignore the reports, technology is here to help make our jobs easier, rather than stealing them from us. If you’d like to speak to our expert team about their favourite tech tools for lawyers then get in touch now.

What are your favourite tech tools for lawyers?

Check out some of our other blogs on the impact of technology on the legal profession. And if you’re looking for a career move, take a look at our current jobs.

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The key to a killer CV

  • July 9, 2017

It’s that time of year when many assess their career and decide that it is time to move on. But before you jump right in and send your CV out, it’s vital to take the time to review it and update it with your latest skills and achievements. And while you might not need us to tell you not to use your or email address when applying, we do have some very useful advice that our many years of experience in recruitment tells us will pay off. And with the average recruiter spending less than ten seconds reviewing a CV before deciding whether to keep it, yours needs to stand out from the crowd. Here’s how:

Tailor it

Nothing stands out more than a generic CV that hasn’t been updated for the specific job you’re applying for. Recruiters and potential employers want to see how well matched you are to that position so it’s no good sending out the same application every time. Read the job specification thoroughly and ensure your skills match the criteria that the organisation is looking for and you’re likely to receive a lot more responses than your regurgitated CV would bring.

No photo

Opinions are mixed over whether you should include a photo with a CV or job application. Some people think you should, more people think you shouldn’t. We’re in the latter camp and from our perspective, it’s much the same as including your birthday and only leaves you open to some employers potentially discriminating against you through their unconscious bias. While it shouldn’t make a difference, if an organisation is that keen to see what you look like then they can look at your social media channels. Which leads us onto our next point…

Sort out social media

While this isn’t part of your CV, it may as well be in the 21st century as you’ll be hard-pressed to find an employer that won’t carry out at least a cursory search of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and the like to see what you’re really like. You don’t have to delete all the photos of you on a night out, or dressed up for a friend’s birthday, but do hide them as they’re hardly likely to impress your next potential boss. All it takes is an update of your privacy settings and bang – the dirt is gone, or at least hidden.

Keep it simple

There’s no need to add in every single detail about your life achievements so far. Your 25m swimming badge isn’t going to make the difference between getting an interview or not, so the best advice is to cut the superfluous detail and only highlight what will actually help you get the job you’re applying for. Consider that the recruiter who deals with your potential job probably receives hundreds of CVs every day and is fairly unlikely to read all five pages of yours so keep it concise, put your most important information first and cut the waffle.

Check, check and check again

The final point is every recruiter’s bugbear and if there’s one thing likely to get your CV thrown in the bin, it’s bad spelling and grammar. This is barely even excusable anymore as, unless you’ve written your CV by hand or on a typewriter, you will have had access to a spellchecker. And if you’re reluctant to rely on technology, print it out and read it out loud to yourself to ensure it makes sense. And then ask a friend to check it. It may sound like a lot of effort, but if it makes the difference between your application being considered and being binned, it’s probably worth it.

Got a killer CV?

Once you’ve completed this checklist you’re ready to go!

And if you need a helping hand why not get in touch with us today to see how we can help you get the job you’ve been dreaming off.

For advice on nailing your interview, click here.

You may also like to download our guide on How to Develop Your Legal CV.

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