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Plan a successful 2019 – reflect on the past to prepare for the future

  • December 18, 2018

Whether you’re taking time off over Christmas to enjoy the last few days of 2018 or are already looking ahead to what 2019 will bring, the end of the year is the ideal time to pause and think. We’ve looked back at some of the highs and lows of the year, to help you reflect on what’s gone well for you this year. We’ve also included a round-up of our most helpful blogs from this year, so that you can plan ahead and get 2019 off to a successful start.

2018 in review

The start of 2018 was a difficult time for legal professionals who specialise in personal injury, thanks to uncertainty over the so-called ‘whiplash reforms’. Over the summer, it was announced that the reforms would be pushed back to April 2020.

The knock-on effect has been really positive and we’ve seen the number of personal injury job vacancies rise. Firms have a clearer picture of what will happen over the coming year or so, which has meant they are more open to recruiting staff to handle the workload, rather than slowing down operations. And for legal professionals who specialise in personal injury, it has meant greater job security until the spring of 2020.

If you are just starting a personal injury role, or you’re taking up any kind of new position in January, then you’ll want to make a good impression. Looking back on the year can help you plan for the future and in September we published our tips for those who are about to start a new role in law. We hope that it helps you make the start of 2019 the best start to a year in your career.

The job market for legal professionals

Whether you are just starting a new legal job or have been in a role for years, the legal sector is certainly healthy. Across the industry, there’s often talk of skill shortages, which at first does appear to be a negative. Indeed, in our own research, conveyancing is highlighted as being an area lacking in specialists.

From an employee’s point of view, it means the demand for legal professionals is on the rise. Lots of clients needing advice means that firms need professionals to meet demand and across the year we’ve been kept busy placing everything from Legal Secretaries to Partners. In fact, at the end of November the number of registered solicitors hit 192, 516, that’s nearly a 4% increase on the same time last year. And while the legal sector employs a wide variety of people – not only solicitors – it’s certainly a good indicator that the legal market is booming.

Of course, it’s not possible to reflect on 2018 without mentioning Brexit at some point! For the world of business and work, it has meant a great deal of uncertainty and the legal sector isn’t immune from that. And while the circumstances are challenging, uncertainty could actually benefit legal staff. Firms are trying to hold onto talent in the face of adversity and this means better security and prospects for employees. The CIPD found that 26% more employers are developing staff internally following the Brexit vote, which is good news for those in employment.

To make sure 2019 is a success, the best thing that candidates can do is to plan ahead. Be sure of where you want to go in your career and look at how your firm can support you to get there. If you’re not sure whether you can see a future with your current employer our blog, ‘How to tell whether your legal job is going well or not’, will help you make a decision.

Clayton Legal is committed to your success

Our reputation rests on our ability to help you find the very best job for your skills and interests. Two of our key values are trust and relationships and we work hard to build both of these with the candidates we work with. Candidates appreciate these values and the fact that we listen to what you want to get out of a new position.

What’s more, we also build strong relationships with our clients. This is beneficial to candidates because we have a solid understanding of the firms we work with and the vacancy on offer. By taking the time to know both parties we can successfully match applicants with their ideal role. In the short term, it means that you find the new position that you’ve been looking for, and in the long-term it gives you confidence that you’ll feel happy that your values align with the firm’s values for a long time to come.

Candidates and Clayton Legal: success stories

From partners to paralegals, in our lifetime we’ve helped over 3,000 legal professionals find their ideal role. Our passion for legal recruitment means that we’re always seeking to improve our service so that we can help more and more professionals.

In 2018 we’ve expanded across the UK from our home base in the North West. That means we’re now able to assist candidates in all corners of the country, from London to Bristol, Manchester to Leeds.

We’ve also introduced a new service placing locums. We recognise that in 2018 there is no longer a ‘one-size-fits-all’ legal job role and we’re proud to support a wide range of professionals, who are looking for very different things from their work life, to get their ideal position.

Planning ahead to 2019

Despite challenges and minor setbacks, 2018 has been a good year for legal professionals. And while it’s helpful to look back at successes and challenges this year and determine what that might mean, it’s also key to look ahead at what the future holds.

So, if you think that 2019 could be the year that you make a career change, we’ve put together our top five blogs from this year to help you land the role you’ve been dreaming of:

  1. Do I stay, or do I go? How to make the decision whether to stay in your current law job or leave
  2. What to leave off from your CV
  3. What is your interviewer actually looking for?
  4. Prepare, excel and get the job with our legal interview checklist
  5. The job offer – what next?

And if you’re thinking of making a fresh start with a new job in January, it’s not too late to apply! We’d be happy to discuss what you’re looking for and to get things underway ahead of the new year.

Call us on 01772 529 121, and one of our friendly and professional legal consultants will be happy to help.

You may also like to download our guide on How to Develop Your Legal CV.

In the meantime, we hope you have an enjoyable Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

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Do I stay, or do I go? How to make the decision whether to stay in your current law job or leave

  • November 12, 2018

A new job brings with it new challenges and the opportunity to make a positive change. But what if you’re on the fence about leaving your current role? Deciding whether to stay in a job or to leave is a complex process. For many legal professionals there is a whole range of considerations to make, from skills and experience, work-life balance and family commitments, to future career ambitions and meeting your goals.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach, the choice has to be an individual one that suits you. That’s why we’ve put together this blog to walk you through important considerations and hopefully make the decision a little easier for you.

Weigh up your options

If the possibility of leaving your position is on your mind, it’s useful to start by weighing up your options. The first step is to consider your job role and the firm generally, and to look at all of the positives, followed by all of the negatives. Does it meet your career ambitions, are you achieving your own goals of where you’d like to be now or in the future? When you compare the two lists side by side, does one significantly outweigh the other or is there not much in it?

The next step is to think about your skills and experience: what value can you add? Hands-on experience is a real asset to any firm, so look for opportunities where your work experience could match up with demand. For example, it was announced earlier this year that the whiplash reforms have been pushed back a year to 2020, leading to an increase in personal injury jobs – ideal if that’s your background.

Research what’s out there, industry trends and how your skill set could fit that. Don’t forget about skills that aren’t strictly related to the work either. Things such as managerial experience, a second language, or knowledge of a particular sector can all be valuable to a potential employer, so make sure you highlight these aspects too. Many job seekers also find it beneficial to have a chat with a recruitment consultant as well as doing their own research.

The end of the year; time for a change?

If the thought of finding a new job is playing on your mind, the start of a new year is the ideal time to make a change. According to HR Magazine, January is the most likely time for employees to start a new job, with nearly a fifth of people (18%) saying that it’s the most popular time to move. If you’re making plans for the future of your career, a new year and a fresh start can give you the impetus to bring the plan into action.

Important considerations

When weighing up whether to leave your job or to stay, there are considerations to make that will impact your decision. One of the most common factors that crop up for legal professionals is the issue of work-life balance. Long hours can put a strain on your work as well as home life and can prove challenging, especially if there are partners or children to consider. If you feel that the firm’s culture isn’t supportive of you striking the right balance it can cause feelings of frustration and resentment to creep in, which will make you unhappy in the long term.

As well as the big issues, smaller factors add up and feed into your decision. Some of the most important considerations when deciding to stay or go are around ‘push’ and ‘pull’ factors.

Push factors are exactly as they sound – things that make you want to look elsewhere. They might include:

  • Doesn’t meet with your career ambitions and goals.
  • Work life balance – are you able to achieve your life goals?
  • Feeling that the work isn’t suited to you, that you are not challenged by it, or that the workload is simply too much or too little.
  • Disagreeing with the overall direction of the firm.
  • Is the firm growing, or does it feel like it’s staid?
  • The general company culture doesn’t fit with your values.

Pull factors are things that draw you to a particular job role or company. These might include:

  • Career prospects – is there room for promotion within the firm?
  • Do they encourage people to learn and develop their skills and experience?
  • Location – would a move mean a shorter commute, for example?
  • Salary – money can be a powerful motivator and a higher salary can be an attractive pull for many people.
  • Benefits – the right benefits package that appeals to you can be very appealing and can give an indication as to how the firm treats their staff.
  • Will a move to the new firm help fulfil your own career plan?

How a recruitment agency can help you decide

A legal recruitment consultant can assist job seekers in a number of ways:

  • Overview of the market: consultants are in constant communication with law firms and are well versed in what the market looks like currently. Having a confidential discussion with a legal recruitment consultant will give you a good idea of what’s out there and what real employers are looking for.
  • A fresh perspective: having knowledge of what firms are looking for can be helpful for you, as consultants can encourage you to emphasise skills that you might not have known were sought after. They can also suggest roles that you may have otherwise overlooked, giving you a better chance at finding the job role you’re looking for, and hunt out new career opportunities that you might not otherwise have access to.
  • Feedback and insight: any legal recruiter worth their salt will have developed good relationships with their clients over time. They can ask employers for feedback, which candidates can sometimes feel shy or awkward about asking for. This gives you useful insight into how you can improve your performance next time.

Decision time

When you’ve weighed up your options, thought about whether the timing is right and considered all of the various push and pull factors, it’s time to make a decision. Your recruitment consultant can listen to your goals, offer words of wisdom and make suggestions. Ultimately, however, they cannot decide which job is right for you – only you can make the decision to stay in or leave a job.

So if you’re feeling a little unsure about what to do, perhaps increasing your awareness of what’s out there will help you decide. Our specialist legal recruitment consultants would be happy to talk through your options – why not give us a call? We’re on 01772 259 121 and would be pleased to hear from you, alternatively you can look at our vacancies online.

You may also find our last blog: How to tell whether your job is going well or not, useful in helping you evaluate what you’d like to do.

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Personal Injury Whiplash Reforms

  • October 18, 2018

Earlier this year the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) announced that it would delay the proposed ‘whiplash reforms’ until April 2020. The reforms, which were due to come into effect by April 2019, will now be delayed for a year so that the online claim platform can be tested from next October. The delay means that those with whiplash claims will still require the services of a legal professional, instead of representing themselves for small claims. The knock-on effect is that personal injury specialists are still in high demand.

A chance to make a difference

The delay means that uncertainty around the future of personal injury specialists has been postponed. We are receiving job vacancies across the personal injury niche, including solicitors, legal assistants, fee earners, and legal secretaries, to name the most sought-after positions.

For those who already work in personal injury, the news may come as a relief. The fact that there are plenty of opportunities available doesn’t just mean job security. One of the major criticisms of the reform is that the removal of trained legal professionals leaves a void that will be filled by unscrupulous claims management companies. If you’re passionate about seeking justice for those people who have been injured, then a post in personal injury gives you the chance to help people in need. Even if you haven’t worked in personal injury before, the timing could offer you a way to try out this field without any long-term commitment.

Background to the whiplash reforms

The Association of British Insurers (ABI) is lobbying for reforms to the current compensation system. It wants to weed out fraudulent claims and make it easier for people with genuine injuries to make a claim. The online system that has been put forward will remove the need for those people with a low-value claim to use legal representation – they will instead essentially represent themselves. The ABI says that this will reduce the legal costs associated with a claim and result in lower insurance premiums for motorists. However, there is some debate as to how much of a good thing this will be for the general public and the extent to which it is a fair system for ordinary people to represent themselves.

The numbers – a viable opportunity

According to the ABI, there are 1,500 whiplash claims every day in the UK. And with all of those people still requiring legal representation for another year, the numbers present a wide and varied opportunity to undertake work in the personal injury arena. Furthermore, the specialism isn’t limited geographically; accidents can happen at any time, anywhere. That makes personal injury a viable career choice whichever corner of the UK you’re based in.

In fact, Clayton Legal’s own research bears out the numerical significance of the specialism. We surveyed 12,000 firms earlier this year and found that 20% of those were personal injury specialists. That’s a significant proportion of the legal sector, and no doubt radical reforms could have equally significant consequences for the personal injury field as a whole.

The delay offers some reassurance to those who were feeling uncertain about the future of their jobs and what might happen to their specialist field. Since news of the delay was announced, Clayton has seen an increase in the number of personal injury vacancies, indicating that demand for legal professionals in this niche is high.

If you’re considering a move, or even if you work in the personal injury field already, get in touch by scheduling a call with us. We’d be pleased to hear from you and we hope we can help make your next career move as smooth as possible.

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How to tell whether your legal job is going well or not

  • October 15, 2018

When things are going well in your job it’s a great feeling. Work that interests you and which you find enjoyable doesn’t just make the week go by quicker, it leaves you feeling fulfilled and that you are making a difference. Indeed, those in the legal profession often feel that their job satisfaction comes from more than monetary reward; quality pro bono work and development provide opportunities for professional growth.

But what happens if things aren’t going quite so well? What tell-tale signs should you look out for, and how can you tell whether seeking employment elsewhere would be beneficial? It’s an important consideration, and that’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you determine how well your job is going – and what you can do about it.

When things aren’t quite going right in your position

In life and at work things sometimes go wrong. Perhaps you applied for a promotion that you didn’t get or maybe you made an honest mistake in your work. Whatever the reason, when things don’t quite go right, it’s very off-putting. It can leave you feeling distracted, worried about your position, and often this leads to underperformance, creating a vicious circle.

The most important thing is being able to recognise when you can make improvements and when things are beyond your control. For example, asking the partners for feedback might explain what you could do differently next time to secure the promotion. Or maybe you’ll discover that the budget for the new position was unexpectedly withdrawn, which isn’t something you can help. Positive action will give you a clearer answer than continuing to worry about a situation.

How do you know if you should stay in your position or leave?

Being positive and taking proactive steps are important. However, if you feel that things aren’t quite right it’s still important that you consider whether you should stay with or leave the firm.

If you’ve asked yourself what changes you can make for the better, acted on those changes, and things still aren’t working out, the next step is to speak to your manager. Can they provide extra support? If things don’t improve, or if help is not forthcoming then it may be time to consider a new position.

What are the warning signs for when things are not going well?

Determining whether your job is going well or not can be tough, although there are signs to watch out for which will help you decide.

Internal factors: Low motivation is a clue that your job is not fulfilling you. If you dread working with colleagues or partners then it’s also a sign that things could be better. Spending time wishing for the weekend or dreading Monday morning are also clues that the job is not going as well as it could.

External factors: Key things to watch out for that indicate your job is not going well are missing targets, being invited to performance reviews by management, and being passed over for promotion. Ask for feedback wherever you can as this will equip you with information which you can act on and change things for a more positive outcome. If the feedback is vague, very negative or you don’t receive any, then it could be an indication that the job isn’t playing to your strengths.

What is your workload like: too much or not enough?

Your workload has a big impact on your success in a position. While targets can be motivating, if you don’t hit them, they can have the opposite effect. PwC reported that legal professionals across every level of experience are failing to meet targets. If you find yourself in a similar situation, ask yourself why it’s happening. Are the targets unrealistic, or is there simply too much work for you to do? In which case a discussion with your manager could result in more achievable targets and a more manageable workload.

On the other hand, maybe you feel that you don’t have enough to do. If you’re unmotivated or under stimulated by your work, it could mean that the position isn’t quite right.

It’s about achieving a balanced workload that will challenge you without leaving you burnt out.

According to figures published in the Law Society Gazette, the number of practising solicitors has reached an all-time high at 140,000. If your area of specialism is oversubscribed, then it could mean you have little work to do. Consider a position in a different area and you might find that a new challenge brings a fresh outlook.

Is the firm’s culture right for you?

The culture of a firm has an impact not only on your work but also how much you enjoy working in your job role. If the culture doesn’t appeal to you, then it can be a major factor in prompting you to leave. When we surveyed law firms earlier this year, we found that 78% of firms thought that attrition rates were getting better. This is significantly more positive than the 51% of firms who thought the same in 2016. Interestingly, the most common reason given for firms to think that attrition rates were improving was down to the firm’s culture, which shows it to be a very important factor.

This also suggests that law firms are getting better at creating enjoyable cultures for all of their staff. If there’s still work to be done, or if the culture just doesn’t make you feel at ease, it will affect how you feel about your job and your performance in the end.

Do the firm’s values marry with your own?

The values of a law firm are often linked closely with its culture – if the values don’t match up with your own, then you might find that things don’t go as smoothly in your job as you would like. Our salary survey found firms place particular importance on candidates with a sound commercial understanding, one respondent said: “There are plenty of law graduates, but we are finding that partners are looking for people with legal experience rather than law degrees.” If the firm you work for is very much driven by results, profits and big characters, and you’re more interested in providing excellent customer service, then you could find the values of the firm don’t fit with your own personal values. This can make your experience of a job very unenjoyable and increase your chances of looking for a new position in the future.

Feeling happy with your decision

Whether you decide to stay in your current job role or move on, the most important thing is that it’s the right decision for you. Taking the above into account will help you establish whether or not you should stay and try to make improvements or to jump ship.

We’ve worked with legal professionals for decades to help them get the best out of their careers – whether that means staying or leaving a job.

So, if you’re feeling unsure about the best course of action, then speak to one of our team on 01772 259 121 – we’d be happy to help.

If you are thinking of moving jobs, then you may like to read our blog: Moving Jobs: Factors that influence your decision.

You can also register your CV online, and why not have a browse through some of our existing vacancies.

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Starting your new role in law?

  • September 15, 2018

The first 30 days are critical to any job. There’s a lot to take in, new names to remember and you’re still finding your feet and getting settled. On top of all of that, you’re keen to make a good impression, demonstrate your worth and integrate with colleagues. Not much to do then!

We’ve put together the essential tips to help any legal professional make it through their first thirty days. Follow our guide and you’ll not only survive the first month, you’ll be set up to thrive for a long time to come.

What to do in your first thirty days

The start of a new job is your chance to demonstrate to your new employer what a valuable asset you are. According to Forbes’ research, ‘professionalism’ is the number one trait that employers value. So how can you balance a high degree of professionalism with being focused, positive and enthusiastic?

There are three stages to bring all of these elements together:

1. Your first day: The most important thing you can do on your first day is to be on time. Lateness gives the impression of a lack of care. Be friendly and open when introduced to colleagues, but don’t overshare or be tempted to speak negatively about your former employer.

2. Your first week: Show enthusiasm when delegated work and don’t be afraid to ask questions if there’s something that you don’t understand. Continue to meet with management and partners. Show an interest in what your new employer tells you about the department, the firm and its vision. If relevant, relate this vision to your own experience as this may well benefit the firm.

3. Your first month: A new role, a new firm and new colleagues all take a little adjustment. Be sure to attend one-to-one meetings arranged by your manager, and if these are not forthcoming then you can request them. Be open to feedback and give feedback in a thoughtful, constructive way. Make your development goals known and work on a development plan with your manager.

Being proactive will put you in the driving seat of your new career and will help you feel more settled and secure. It’ll leave a good impression on your new employer too!

How to make a good impression in your new law job

Making a good impression at the start of your new job sets you up for success. Some of the most important attributes listed by Aspiring Solicitors include things like motivation, integrity, and teamwork. And while those are particularly important for people at the beginning of their career, they don’t go amiss at any stage.

A good impression is about demonstrating your value. You want to reinforce in your employer’s mind that they were right to hire you. The ability to work in a team shows that you’re interested in the collective success of colleagues and the firm. Listening, enthusiasm and a willingness to get stuck in show that you’re a good fit while showing off your skills. When meeting management and partners be open to what they are saying, especially if they are communicating their vision of what the firm is working towards. Show an interest and bring your experience to bear: your experience is valuable and if you have skills or knowledge that will help the firm achieve what they want, share it. This will impress leaders and demonstrate your skills and commitment.

Making sense of the firm’s culture

Getting to grips with a new job is one thing, making sense of the culture of a firm is another. There are several simple things you can do to help you get familiar with your new workplace.

1. Make use of your mentor – If you’ve been partnered with a mentor, they can prove invaluable in helping you understand the firm. If you have questions about how things work, potential office politics, or anything that’s not necessarily related to the work but the everyday ticking over of the place, your mentor will be able to give you the insider’s view.

2. Attend orientation, meetings and introductions – This will give you a good overview of the firm and how it works. Meeting key players and observing them in action in meetings will give you a good idea of the leadership style and how this influences the firm.

3. Pay attention to feedback – Whether feedback is delivered as an everyday drip-feed or in more formal one-to-ones, it gives you a good idea as to the culture. Keep your ears open to what’s being said and learn to understand what is expected of you. Being told what to adjust and how to make it better, helps you understand the firm’s values in a tangible way.

How to integrate with co-workers

It’s likely that you spend more time with your colleagues than anyone else, so it makes sense to have good relationships with those you work with. In order to integrate with colleagues in the first thirty days of your new job, there are a few steps you can take.

On your first day, be friendly and open. A smile and a firm handshake convey trust and create a good first impression. Take time to introduce yourself to your mentor and make sure that you go to lunch! Chatting with people away from your desks is much more likely to see you get along on a personal level which helps to enhance working relationships. Just beware of oversharing and don’t be tempted to talk negatively about your former employer: you’ll quickly destroy trust and be viewed as a gossip.

Over the coming weeks is when you can start to build and solidify working relationships. If your manager hasn’t arranged it, ask to be introduced to the department head. Being aware of who’s who will help you understand your work and build positive relations. If you’re invited to events or networking make sure to go along. Avoiding these kinds of situations gives the impression that you’re not a team player and can damage relations with colleagues.

Hit the ground running

Joining a new firm can be a challenging process. But by going through things in a logical and proactive way, you can make the best of your first month. Ensure you tie up your own goals with the goals of the firm, demonstrate your value and your senior colleagues will be thrilled that a talented legal professional has joined their firm.

Our guide on ‘How to excel in your first 30 days’ will give you more hints and tips on settling into your new role – download your complimentary copy or contact us on 01772 259 121. We’ve decades of experience working with legal professionals to place them in their ideal careers and we’d be happy to help with whatever challenges you’re facing.

And if you found this blog interesting take a look at our other blogs; ‘Secured a new role? Top tips for your first weeks’ and ‘The secret of success – sheer hard work’. You can also register your CV with us online.

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What is your interviewer actually looking for?

  • July 18, 2018

Over the past few months, we’ve given a considerable amount of advice on how to write a CV that will make a hiring manager sit up and take note and how to nail a job interview amongst various other things. However, we’re regularly asked what a job interviewer is actually looking for and what they’re thinking when they meet a candidate.

It’s perfectly natural to feel nervous and slightly uneasy in an interview, after all, it’s an important process and one that could shape your career prospects for years to come. Getting a job, as we all know, can change lives – particularly if it’s one you’re desperately keen to get – so it’s hardly surprising that for many people, interviewing can be highly stressful.

However, it helps to get inside the head of an interviewer and put yourself in their shoes. If you were hiring for your own company, what traits and skills would you be looking for?

Are they who they say they are?

This may sound obvious, but you’d be blown away by the number of people who openly lie on their CV. It’s easy to make yourself sound employable on your application if you just lie and any experienced hirer will likely want to run through your CV to clarify that you are who you say you are and that you’ve done what you’ve said you’ve done. They’ll probably want to throw a few open ended questions at you to allow you to talk through your CV in your own time and – as long as you are telling the truth – this should come naturally. It’s important to remember to consider how your past experiences can help you carry out the role. So rather than simply stating what you did, try and use examples and make a link with what you’ve done in your past and how it could help you in the position you’re applying for.

Cultural fit

One of the hardest things for an interviewer to gauge is whether the person sitting opposite them will fit into their current line-up. There are two distinct schools of thought. Some people like building teams with ‘disruptive’ characters who can challenge the status quo and create results and innovation by being different. Others recognise the value of employing people who can get on with their current employees and won’t upset the apple cart. Unfortunately, there’s no golden solution to this and if the employer doesn’t think you’ll work at their company for whatever reason, they’re unlikely to take you on. Your best bet is to be yourself. Your true personality will reveal itself further down the line and putting on a persona only raises the risk of you not actually being well suited to the organisation.

Are you up to the job?

Finally – and perhaps most obviously – the interviewer will want to know whether you’ve actually got the skills to do the job. This is where pinning examples to things you’ve done in your past really becomes valuable. If you can actually highlight times when you’ve made a difference to your former employer it saves them the task of linking your skills with the job specification and working out whether you’re cut out for the role. Others will do it in their interview and if a hiring manager has an obvious fit for a role, they’re hardly likely to think about other candidates quite so much. It also doesn’t come down to what you just say. If the role involves a lot of interaction with senior partners or associates then you’ll want to consider your speech patterns and ways of communicating. In addition, you should consider any obvious reasons why the company wouldn’t hire you and don’t let the interviewer jump to their own conclusions (which they will). If your CV shows signs of job hopping, for example, then provide reasons for why you’ve done so ahead of being asked.

For more insights from the team visit our blogs page or get in touch with the team for more career tips and tricks. 

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How to answer the interview question: “Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?”

  • July 9, 2018

When an interviewer asks, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” many interviewees find themselves flummoxed. They haven’t thought that far ahead. All they know is that, right now, they want this particular job. Where it will have taken them in 1825 days is anybody’s guess. And, after all, how can they possibly say what they’ll be doing then when they don’t even know what they’ll be doing this weekend?

So, why do interviewers like asking this question? The aim of the interviewer is, of course, not to test your psychic ability, but to dig deeper and find out more about you as a potential employee. In particular, they want to find out what your mid-term career goals are to see if they align with both the role and what they are able to offer you as employers. Will you be satisfied with the position and prospects, work hard and stay in their employment for a long time? They want to hire someone who is genuinely excited about the job and who sees it as a great career move.

Let’s start with what not to say.

  • Don’t joke about wanting to do your interviewer’s job. Nobody wants their own job prised from them by a competitive new hire.
  • Don’t go into a very detailed plan about how you will get promoted. It can look over-confident and inflexible.
  • Don’t mention unrelated dreams such as writing a novel or owning a business. An employer is interested in what you will do for them. Don’t joke about winning the lottery and retiring, either.
  • Don’t ponder for ages, suggest a few
    different things or – worst of all – say that you haven’t thought that
    far. It will make you look directionless.
  • Don’t make any references to their rivals. Some interviewees think that mentioning an aspiration to gain the skills to work for another notoriously selective or popular employer makes them look ambitious, but why would any firm invest in you just so
    that you can go to a rival?

When you give your response, the ideal answer will portray you as ambitious but not entitled; forward-thinking but adaptable; realistic but aspirational. The main thing to do is show that you are excited about this position and what you will learn over the next five years: you have a desire to succeed and be the best you can at it. The interviewer will be looking for evidence that this job will meet your goals for several years and that you will stay in it long enough to repay any investment – of both time and money – in you. Then, rather than focusing too much on where you want to go next, present a vaguer and more flexible desire to progress and develop, should opportunities arise. If you can do a bit of research into your employer’s long-term goals and show that your personal career goals align with them, even better. They’re looking for nurses to mentor new staff as part of a recently introduced induction programme? Great – that suits your ambition to guide and eventually train others.

Finally, be prepared for one or two follow-up questions which might be used to see if your answer is a rehearsed one or if it genuinely reflects who you are.

Read our blog about requesting interview feedback here. For more interview advice from the team, check out our posts here.

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Stage 2: Nailing your interview

  • July 5, 2018

You may have seen our previous blog on creating a great CV, but how do you nail the next stage to secure your dream job. You might think that now you’ve passed through the gatekeeper that the hard part is over, but the interview really gives you the chance to strut your stuff in front of the key decision makers. So what should you keep in mind?

Be punctual, but not too punctual

Arriving early for the interview is important, after all it doesn’t exactly set a glowing precedent for what your time working there will be like if you’re late. However, don’t make the mistake of being too early as you’re more likely to look desperate more than anything else. A good rule of thumb is to be 15 minutes early, stick to that and it gives you plenty of time to compose your thoughts as well as demonstrating your good timekeeping skills.

Practice, practice, practice

Ensure you conduct some thorough research on the organisation that you can drop throughout your interview to highlight your knowledge and proactivity. Go over some standard interview questions as well as some role specific ones with a friend or family member and you’re likely to feel much more prepared and less stressed when the day comes around.
However, it’s a thin line to tread between being ready and sounding like you’re reading off a script, so try to keep things as natural as possible.

Give examples

Rather than just reeling off a list of your top attributes, look to form an evidence based argument about why you should get the role you want. You need to show proof that you are what you say you are and highlighting your achievements build a more compelling case for why the organisation should choose you. If you can show examples of when you’ve
saved your previous employers time or money or simplified any overly complex processes, you’re likely to stand in good stead.

Interview your interviewer

This isn’t just an opportunity for the organisation and its staff to learn about you, it’s also your chance to learn about them so try and turn the situation into a conversation, rather than an interview. Don’t go over the top, you do still need to answer the questions you’re being posed, but look to send some back in the other direction.

Prepare questions in advance

Along similar lines it’s also crucial to prepare a series of questions to ask at the end of the interview and not having any rarely tends to leave a favourable impression. Good examples include asking about time frames, when you’re likely to hear back from them and if the firm has interviewed many people for the role. A good question to get real insight into the organisation is asking them what they like about working there. There are no definitive rules, but it’s certainly much better to have something ready to ask.

Close the interview and follow up

Finally, look to close the interview yourself by asking whether there’s any other information that they would like to know about you or if there are any areas of your CV or application that they have questions over. It’s also well worth following up your interview with a quick email or phone call to say thanks as this is likely to make you stand out from the crowd when they review applications.

What factors do you think are important to nail an interview? Share your thoughts with us below.

Read this blog to read what you interview is actually looking for. Also, check out our other blog posts here.

If you are still on the hunt for that dream job, call the office on 01772 259121 to see how we can help. Or check out our current jobs here.

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What is your interviewer actually thinking?

  • July 3, 2018

It’s perfectly natural to feel nervous and slightly uneasy in an interview, after all, it’s an important process and one that could shape your career prospects for years to come. Getting a job,
as we all know, can change lives – particularly if it’s one you’re desperately keen to get – so it’s hardly surprising that for many people, interviewing can be highly stressful.

However, it helps to get inside the head of an interviewer and put yourself in their shoes. If you were hiring for your own company, what traits and skills would you look for?

Are they who they say they are?

This may sound obvious, but you’d be blown away by the number of people who openly lie on their CV. It’s easy to make yourself sound employable on your application if you just lie and any experienced hirer will likely want to run through your CV to clarify that you are who you say you are and that you’ve done what you’ve said you’ve done. They’ll probably want to throw a few open ended questions at you to allow you to talk through your CV in your own time and – as long as you are telling the truth – this should come naturally.
It’s important to remember to consider how your past experiences can help you carry out the role. So rather than simply stating what you did, try and use examples and make a link with what you’ve done in your past and how it could help you in the position you’re applying for.

Cultural fit

One of the hardest things for an interviewer to gauge is whether the person sitting opposite them will fit into their current line-up. There are two distinct schools of thought. Some people like building teams with ‘disruptive’ characters who can challenge the status quo and create results and innovation by being different. Others recognise the value of employing people who can get on with their current employees and won’t upset the apple cart. Unfortunately, there’s no golden solution to this and if the employer doesn’t think you’ll work at their company for
whatever reason, they’re unlikely to take you on. Your best bet is to be yourself. Your true personality will reveal itself further down the line and putting on a persona only raises the risk of you not actually being well suited to the organisation.

Are you up to the job?

Finally – and perhaps most obviously – the interviewer will want to know whether you’ve actually got the skills to do the job. This is where pinning examples to things you’ve done in
your past really becomes valuable. If you can actually highlight times when you’ve made a difference to your former employer it saves them the task of linking your skills with the job specification and working out whether you’re cut out for the role. Others will do it in their interview and if a hiring manager has an obvious fit for a role, they’re hardly likely to think about other candidates quite so much. It also doesn’t come down to what you just say. If the role involves a lot of interaction with senior partners or associates then you’ll want to consider your speech patterns and ways of communicating. In addition, you should consider any obvious reasons why the company wouldn’t hire you and don’t let the interviewer jump to their own conclusions (which they will). If your CV shows signs of job hopping, for example, then provide reasons for why you’ve done so ahead of being asked.

For other tips, check out our career advice pages

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The top five interview mistakes

  • July 1, 2018

You’ve applied for a series of new jobs, and finally secured the all-important interview for your dream role. While it may seem like you are just steps away from hearing the words ‘you’re hired’, the hard work starts now. You need to be fully prepared for the interview to ensure you have every chance of success. Often candidates will have worked really hard on job applications but let themselves down at the interview stage by either not preparing adequately or presenting a bad image. So what are the top five interview mistakes you need to avoid?

Not doing your homework

With the internet at your fingertips, there is absolutely no excuse for not doing your homework before an interview. Despite this, however, clients often tell us that a candidate didn’t get the job because they didn’t know even the basics about the company and role they applied for despite having all the skills required. Take the time to thoroughly research the business – look at the website for information about the history, values, and culture. Seek out information on social media to glean an insight into the type of work and activity the business does.
It’s also worth researching the person who will be interviewing you – you will be able to source information about their role and length of time at the business which will help you establish a rapport at the outset.

Too much talking, not enough listening

Another big mistake candidates make – often due to nerves – is talking too much and not listening to the questions being asked. Take the time to really take in each question and, if you are unsure of how to answer, ask the interviewer to repeat it. This will buy you some time and enable you to prepare an answer better. Candidates often go wrong by responding too quickly and going off on a tangent which means they haven’t given the interviewer the information they are seeking. Often this happens due to a combination of nerves and a failure to prepare. If you have researched properly you will not only be less nervous, but you will likely be able to answer the questions asked.

No questions

Another big no no is not asking any questions yourself. Almost every interviewer will factor in time at the end of the meeting for the candidate to ask anything about the role and company. Don’t make the mistake of not preparing questions in advance. Think about what queries will demonstrate that you are serious about the job and your progression within the company. Could you ask about the training and development opportunities or about the team you will be working with, for example? Don’t, however, make the mistake of asking about when your first pay rise will be or how many sick days you are entitled to!

Moaning about your current employer

Most interviewers will ask you about your previous role and employer. And regardless of why you left the company never make the mistake of criticising the people or business you worked for. No prospective employer wants to hear a potential staff member bad mouthing people they have worked with before – not only will it cause concern that you might do the same at their business, but it will also almost certainly move your application to the no pile!

Wrong attire

Even if you know that, if you secure the role, you won’t be expected to be suited and booted every day, don’t turn up to the interview in jeans and a t-shirt. Don’t however, go to the other extreme and turn up looking like you are about to go on a night out!

The interview is often the last stage of a lengthy application process. Don’t ruin your chances of securing the role you deserve by making the mistakes listed above. Preparation is key and remember, if you have been invited in for interview, it is because you have already demonstrated your suitability for the role. Good luck!

For more advice from the team, check out our other posts here. Or if you wish, call the office on 01772 259121 or email

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