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The Inside Track With: Pauline Rigby | Managing Partner | Forbes Solicitors

  • May 24, 2023

Every month we speak to prominent professionals working in, around, and for the legal sector in the UK, uncovering their greatest inspiration, what makes them tick in a work capacity and out, and their own career paths and journey to the top of their game.

Interview with: Pauline Rigby | Managing Partner | Forbes Solicitors


Very productive, gym session at 5.45am, bit of breakfast, reviewed my to-do list that I prepared last night, dropped the kids off at school and have been productive in the office so far from 8.30am. It’s a Friday today and the atmosphere is lovely in the office, feels like everyone is ready for weekend!


Business is good, financials are healthy and there’s plenty going on around the firm from a culture perspective and also charitable perspective. The executive group are working hard at implementing new processes to create further efficiencies and increase output. We’re also in the business planning phase as we approach the end of this financial year and the start of the next.

Exciting times for Forbes!


Yes, it has. I did however at the start of my career wish to be a criminal lawyer, therefore qualifying as a Corporate lawyer was a far cry from my original intentions.


Landing a training contract at Forbes. Self-doubt, imposter syndrome and all those similar type issues led me to believe that the day would never come. It was a very tearful joyous day and one I’ll never forget when I found out I had been successful.


There are a number of people I would place into this category, my parents, my partner who is an incredible businessman, previous Managing Partners of the firm and finally and most importantly my children who inspire me every day to be the best version of myself.


I’m love a fiction book in the evening and a non-fiction audio book in the car. I’m reading “Lessons in Chemistry” at the moment which is the Forbes book club ‘book of the month’  – and a No.1 Sunday Times and No. 1 New York Times bestseller.

Non-fiction wise, I am currently listening to “Traction” on audio. Written by Gino Wickman, it focuses on  The Entrepreneurial Operating System ‘ESO’ and practical advice for achieving success when running a business.


To have more belief in yourself and bring your true self to work.

The moment I started believing in myself and bringing my true self to work my career started to flourish.


It’s changed hugely! Mainly due to advancements in technology and also in client expectations. Legal service providers also come in many different shapes and sizes now as opposed to just traditional law firms. There has been and will continue to be globalisation within the legal sector which has led to a very buoyant M&A market. Clients have become more sophisticated due to the use of technology which has led to a shift towards more client-centric approaches and pricing models.


My family, I adore spending time with my family. I also love spending time with friends and getting out in the fresh air as much as possible. I’m also a keen gym goer and try to commit to at least 4 sessions in the gym a week. I find it helps me in so many areas of my life.


I’d have to pick two…Steven Bartlett “The Diary of CEO” and Boss Babe.

Legal 500 Top Tier Firm Forbes Solicitors operates nationally, with offices in Lancashire, Manchester, Leeds and London. The Firm offers the full range of legal services to commercial clients, individuals, and in a number of specialist sectors.  


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Succession Planning in Law Firms: It’s never too early…but don’t leave it too late

  • May 17, 2023

The COVID-19 Pandemic taught businesses many things. How to adapt (and quickly), how to navigate unchartered territories, and most of all, how to be as prepared as you can for the unexpected. Those businesses that had business disruption plans in place were naturally given a head start, while others arguably had their fingers burnt when the world turned upside down.

One factor that all businesses face at some point in their future, is the potential disruption that comes with a key individual leaving – be that for another role, or as they head towards retirement.

And it will undoubtedly be small and medium-sized boutique firms that are the most at risk from disruption as the required skill set and knowledge will be concentrated amongst a few key individuals.

Put simply, firms without a succession plan risk losing revenue, reputation, and relationships, and whilst it’s hard to find the time to plan for the future when you are busy running the day-to-day, putting a clear strategy in place will only help to protect the business when the time comes to put it into action further down the line.

Here we look at the 9 steps to take to start a succession plan for your law firm:


1. First things first: look for signs your key people are thinking of leaving

Legal professionals can choose to leave your firm for a variety of reasons. They may be looking for a new opportunity or challenge in their career, want to move into another area of law perhaps, or simply have become dissatisfied in their current role.

The first step to planning for the future is to be ever aware of the warning signs your top talent is thinking of leaving.

This might include:

  • Avoidance of long-term projects and growth
  • Visible signs of the stress connected to the role
  • Signs that the individual is not as creative or intuitive as usual
  • Performance is beginning to suffer

In today’s changing legal landscape, issues like disengagement, burnout, and even “quiet quitting” are becoming increasingly common. Fortunately, if you can recognise these signs ahead of time, there are still things you can do to re-ignite your staff’s passion for your firm and prevent them from seeking other employment options.

If that is not an option, or all avenues have been exhausted and the individual has progressed to handing their notice in, you might want to consider step two…


2. Consider whether a counteroffer is the way forward

When you are faced with the prospect of losing a key individual from your law firm, it can be tempting to enter straight into negotiations to counteroffer. Not only can it be expensive to replace key people, it can also damage morale and affect client relationships. If there is a glimmer of light that the decision can be reversed, it is no surprise that many employers go down this route to mitigate any collateral damage.

However, business leaders should think twice before making a counteroffer as there are both pros and cons that should be considered.

There are times when negotiations are worth entering into, especially if that individual can still see a future at the firm, still finds the culture and working environment a ‘fit’, and any identified obstacles can be overcome.

However, if the counteroffer is based around salary expectations, take heed. Will offering an increase lead to an imbalance across the rest of the team? Will it start a snowball effect with other individuals? Can you actually afford the increase?

Finally, it is also worth noting at this point that any negotiations around encouraging a key individual to stay will not be relevant if the reason for leaving is retirement. However, with a presumed notice period that will be required in this instance, following the next steps are still key as that person works through those final months (or years).


3. Review your current team in depth

As a business leader – whether as a practicing solicitor or not, the structure of your business should always be reviewed periodically. Of course, you may have an ongoing hiring plan in place to fill certain ‘gaps’ or around a growth strategy as you increase headcount. But consideration should always be made around highlighting key individuals across the business that are likely to cause some element of disruption if they were to leave suddenly (either enforced by the firm or due to extenuating circumstances).

A good starting point would be to look at ‘vulnerable’ vs. ‘critical’ positions

  • Vulnerable = There is no identifiable successor. Risk is loss of functionality and knowledge as there is no obvious replacement.
  • Critical = A leaver in this category would significantly impact a firm’s operations. All leadership positions are critical by this definition – in particular CEO, CFO type roles.

Assuming you prioritise planning for the departure of these roles first, ask yourself if there is someone else in the business that can take on those responsibilities for example. What would happen to that individual’s clients or caseload? What clients are a flight risk and would potentially follow that individual to a new law firm?

These are the initial key questions when putting a succession plan in place: understanding the risks and ensuring that business continuity is key.


4. Develop your future leadership team

At any given point, having a pipeline of future leaders in the business is incredibly important – whatever the size and structure. Having clear progression paths in place is a good starting point so individuals can envisage their future at the firm, supported with robust training and upskilling where needed as part of the wider package of benefits and employee support.

When it comes to creating a succession plan, however, more careful consideration needs to be taken when assessing the exact skills and experience needed  – applicable whether you are planning to move people into that role from within or recruit externally.

You need to consider for example:

Key skills that may be lost  – If the individual leaving is a business leader or managing partner, these may not only be around their skills as a practicing lawyer. Business acumen, entrepreneurship, strong financial control, and managing a team are all essential skills that you would hope their successor would have. Above all, someone who has experience in change management would be ideal to take the business from its current state to a desired future state – executing change, mitigating risk, and minimising resistance.

SPOFs – ‘Single Point Of Failure’ – an acronym that originates in the world of IT, it refers to a component or part of a system that, upon failure, would cause the entire system to fail or significantly impact its operation. In business terms, therefore, you need to consider if any individuals have sole knowledge of a particular process or system or hold a set of critical skills that no one else in the business currently has. To see these, quite literally walk out of the door, may significantly impact your business, so ensuring that knowledge is shared is good practice.

Using notice periods to your advantage – if a successor has been identified, and there is a notice period for the leaving individual to serve, it may be worth considering if there is an opportunity for the two to work side-by-side for a period. Obviously, you will need to consider internal costs here and the impact on billing criteria if you have an individual mirroring a new role, but the time spent shadowing or preparing for the shift of responsibilities could be a sensible move in the long run.


5. Active management of client transitions

Unless the individual is leaving your firm because of retirement or to cease employment altogether for other reasons, there is always the risk of clients following that individual to one of your competitors.

So what can you do to mitigate the risk (and impact on your bottom line)?

Once again, the starting point is taking time to analyse your book of clients, particularly those who you would class as ‘high-value’. Do these have a team of people that you deal with regularly, or is it just one individual? Understanding these relationships is key, as is ensuring that all leads and client data is shared internally through your database or CRM.

If it is appropriate, ensure that the client has contact with a number of people within your firm, not just a single person. Regardless, open and transparent communication with your key clients is vital to uphold those valued relationships, maintaining service quality, and contribute to client satisfaction with the proposed changes ahead.

From an internal point of view, and if there is a formal transition in place between leaver and successor, make time to transfer knowledge about that client. This should be on a deeper level than the information found on a CRM or caseload platform. Ongoing projects, key individuals, processes, and how they like to do business are all vital nuggets of information that will equip the person taking over the relationship with the inside track over and above facts and figures on a much more personal level.

6. Creating an external comms plan that maintains stability

By now it is evident that clear communication to all stakeholders is a key part of continuity and succession planning. Creating a plan that also addresses ‘the market’ is also key here – particularly if the individual leaving is senior, a managing partner, or a CEO for example.

The objective of general external communications is to mitigate any potential damage to the firm’s brand and to reassure clients and potential clients about the continuity of service.

And, whilst a smooth and well-managed transition can have a positive impact on a firm’s brand, a poorly executed or mishandled succession process can actually tarnish its reputation.

Communicating future plans here is key – when people observe a well-prepared and seamless transition of key personnel, it instills confidence in the firm’s ability to maintain consistent service quality, fostering trust in the brand and reinforcing its reputation for reliability.

What’s more, succession planning allows a firm to strategically position itself by identifying and developing talent in specific practice areas or industries. By aligning succession plans with the firm’s strategic objectives, it can communicate its expertise and wider value proposition to clients and stakeholders. This further strengthens the firm’s brand reputation as a trusted authority in those areas of law.


7. Focus on internal communications and vision

Having a clear roadmap for the future; setting a vision and the steps in place to get there is crucial for any law firm, whatever their size or practice area. Engaging team members, ensuring efforts are aligned, and facilitating personal growth and development are key elements of successful internal communications.

When a key individual has given their notice to leave, it may very well lead to discontent and worry – albeit temporary – on the supposed disruption ahead. It’s therefore vital to be completely transparent with the remaining team about what plans are in place, and how they will affect the business in the short, medium, and long term.

Some key areas to focus on in your communications include:

Providing a clear roadmap ahead –  outline the future strategic direction particularly if this will change as the individual departs.

Engage in 2-way communication – encourage team members to share any concerns, thoughts, and ideas openly about what the future will look like.

Promote personal growth opportunities – ensuring the remaining team members can still see opportunities for their own growth, progression, and personal development is crucial.

Visualise the vision – where you can, make your firm’s vision tangible and relatable.  Use visual aids, and real-life examples to help team members connect on an emotional level.

Managing change communications is a critical aspect of successfully navigating organisational transitions and ensuring the smooth adoption of new initiatives and significant changes, including the departure of key individuals. Done well, this can help your remaining team transition with clarity, understanding, and engagement for the road ahead.

8. Consider hiring strategy as structure changes

Depending on the role in question, you may not want to hire someone external – rather, promote from within. This has clear benefits – these individuals are already a good fit for your firm, understand your tech stack and processes, and may already have fostered good relationships with key clients.

However, external hiring may be needed to back-fill the role of the successor for example. A shift around of roles and responsibilities internally inevitably leaves gaps somewhere – so consideration of what a revised or likely business structure should be taken to feed into a plan around hiring.

If you are responsible for hiring within your law firm – either wholly, or as part of your role as a practicing lawyer, one of the choices you have as part of your hiring strategy is whether you go it alone, or enlist the services of a recruitment specialist.

This decision may be based on a number of variables including £budget, speed (the need to get the position filled quickly), and the potential scarcity in the market of the hire(s) in question – but there are clear advantages to engaging early with a sector-specialist to give you a head start as you continue to focus on handovers and the transfer of knowledge of your departing employee.

9. Keep internal admin up to date

Job descriptions and the roles and responsibilities of individuals are likely to change over time – particularly if they progress along a defined career path, or the business changes and roles have to flex to accommodate those.

It is therefore prudent to keep documentation up to date to make it easier to recruit into that role when the time comes – be that from your internal talent pool or externally.

Even if the ‘new’ role may change with the departing individual, it at least allows you to benchmark and assess areas of the role that may need to pass to the successor.

And, ensuring that key processes are documented and shared internally is crucial if you don’t want to end up with SPOFs in the business who take that knowledge with them as they depart.



Whilst it’s not always the case that business leaders get a heads up on when the key individuals of their team are leaving, it is still worth having succession planning as part of the annual strategic review – particularly if a SWOT analysis is conducted where this could be classified as a very real threat to business-as-usual.

Where reasons for leaving are around retirement or taking a more permanent step back from current responsibilities, as much time to plan ahead should be taken. Using notice periods strategically to help document processes and pass the baton over to a suitable successor is time well spent.

And, if there is no one in the wings that look like they have the right skills and mindset to take on additional or alternative responsibilities, engaging with a trusted and reputable legal recruitment specialist as soon as you can is key to ensure you kick start the process and find a suitable candidate that is the right ‘fit’ from the outset.

Successful succession planning is about putting solid plans in place before key individuals leave – not scrambling to fill gaps and manage ripples of worry or discontent as they walk out of the door. And, as Vijay Parikh, Owner of Harold Benjamin Solicitors wrote recently for The Law Gazette whilst succession planning may not be something on many senior partners’ agenda, it is an absolute necessity, like any other future planning for a successful business.

In short, it’s never too early to start thinking about putting a strategy in place  – even if it only comes into force sometime in the future.



About Clayton Legal

Clayton Legal has been partnering with law firms across the country since 1999 and during that time has built up an enviable reputation for trust and reliability. We have made over 5,000 placements from partners to legal executives, solicitors to paralegals, and legal IT personnel to practice managers.

If you are building your legal team or looking for your next career move, we can help – whether that’s on a contingency or retained basis.

Call us on 01772 259 121 or email us here.

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Why using a Legal Recruitment Consultancy pays dividends in the current market

  • May 10, 2023

Starting a new chapter in your career can feel daunting at the best of times. Throw in a backdrop of socio-political and economic instability, a cost-of-living crisis, and even the impact of things like the ongoing war in Ukraine – and it may seem wiser to sit tight and ride it out.

That being said, putting your longer-term career goals on hold is rarely a smart move, especially if you are unhappy in your current role, feel frustrated at the lack of progression opportunities, or need a new challenge that fits in with your ambition.

Despite the volatile market conditions that were felt across most sectors in Q4 2022, and encroached brazenly on the first few months of this year, there are some green shoots of good news that appear to be having an effect on the renewed appetite of hiring managers.

This then presents an excellent opportunity for those in search of their next role to take that first step towards achieving their career goals, and capitalise on the hunt for top talent in the job market.

And,  whilst it is our job to shout from the rooftops why legal professionals should use the services of a recruitment consultant to give them a tangible step up and competitive advantage, now more than ever, those who are tapping into the sector expertise of agencies are reaping the benefits and continuing their own journeys of career progression.

Market Overview

Recruitment Consultants have a vested interest in understanding the sector in which you (and by extension, they) operate, and because of the trusted position that they have with Clients, they will undoubtedly be able to offer you market insight, practice-specific guidance as well as trends and activity they are experiencing in the recruitment cycle. Good agencies will have an in-depth knowledge of firms within your sector too – from Magic- and Silver-Circle Firms in the City to Boutique and High Street practices in more rural areas, a Consultant will be able to offer you impartial and professional guidance on the market as part of a truly consultative relationship that ensures you are fully armed and aware of your options.

Time better invested

We know from talking to our legal candidates that the legal sector is still somewhat notorious for long hours and overtime, and although the sentiment around flexible working has changed, with companies more willing to offer a greater degree of flexibility to their employees, the lines between family and work life are now increasingly blurred.

Therefore, finding time to invest in job hunting is a big ask, even with the world of technology, multiple job boards and social media channels at your fingertips. There is no doubt that a good recruitment consultant will want to take time to understand your CV and experience inside out; your skills, your drivers for wanting to leave your current role, and ultimately your aspirations and goals – but this should be an investment that will pay dividends in better representing you in the market. Agencies that keep you updated on progress, whatever the outcome, are worth their weight in gold and should allow you to have confidence that they will search the market for roles that are the best fit on all fronts- freeing up time for you to focus on preparing for interviews and the sharper end of the process that will hopefully lead to an offer.

Access to the inside track

As the job market picks up, the volume in the digital world of job ads is cranked up – and can often be overwhelming, repetitive and vague. You may find as a candidate that you see the same role advertised in numerous places, or that the job description is so ambiguous you are left unsure if it’s a good fit. A recruitment consultant will not only help to cut through the noise but will also be able to furnish you with the finer detail of roles advertised far beyond a job spec. Culture, values, and ‘fit’ are hard to articulate in written ads, but recruitment consultants have often long-established relationships with clients and can offer you the inside track on them as a potential employer.

In addition, many recruitment agencies will often have roles on exclusively – they have been entrusted to fill those positions by clients who recognise their expertise in the market – and in turn, as a job seeker utilising the services of the agency, you will have access to roles often before they hit joe public; giving you a head start on your own competition in the candidate pool.

Practical support with the basics – refined by experts.

Consultants know a good CV when they see one – and they see a lot. Even those working in professional services often benefit from practical tips on CV improvements and enhancements, particularly when making them bespoke to the role you are applying for. Take on board any guidance around interview preparation for particular clients to give you a fighting chance, as well as practical advice around the much-accelerated virtual hiring experiences being adopted by Recruitment Agencies and Law Firms alike in recent months.

The human touch

A professional Recruitment Agency should, in this day in age, have a world-class ‘tech stack’ that tangibly benefits their Clients and Candidates. Whether that is through systems that produces better matches between roles and candidate profiles or allows candidates to bring their professional profile to life – technology undoubtedly can aid the recruitment cycle and chance of success.

That being said, overwhelmingly where Recruitment Consultants excel is the personal touch that you get from speaking candidly, confidentially and openly with another person. Moving jobs can be draining, and whilst they may have their part to play, automatic job alerts and the like, pinging into your inbox just won’t offer the emotional support and empathy that you get from Consultants who are fully emersed and experienced in the recruitment cycle and all its nuances.

Salesperson, Negotiator, Arbitrator.

Recruitment Consultants are unashamedly sales-trained and commercially minded, and when you take those skills and couple them with a deep-rooted understanding of their clients, the result is professional representation from someone who knows how to sell ‘you’ – your experience, skill set, competencies and values – and leverage those elements with the non-negotiables of the client.

Moreover, once an offer is on the table, your Consultant will act as negotiator (sometimes arbitrator) with the Client in order to not only cover off some of the basics like remuneration and package, but set expectations around notice periods, start dates and the finer details of your contract. All without you having to have any forced or awkward conversations at the early stage in your relationship.

Service-led support throughout relationship

Support for legal professionals does not end once an offer has been accepted either. Many agencies will proactively offer guidance if required around resignation, how to combat counteroffers, and keep lines of communication open between all parties as you work your notice or are put on garden leave.

Agencies that offer real added value to both clients and candidates will also build on the relationship you have built as you start your new role, and beyond – again, offering impartial guidance on passing probation, wider networking and professional development opportunities.


Whilst the world is still arguably finding its feet again after the pandemic and seismic shifts on attitudes concerning the world of work, we are seeing real confidence once again in the UK legal sector with firms that are committed to their growth strategies and bringing in talent that supports their vision. As demand outstrips supply in several practice areas, legal professionals who are now thinking beyond notice periods will find that now is a good time to strike and take action.

If you would like to speak to us confidentially about market conditions, opportunities in your practice area or geographical region, or if you are actively looking for a role and would like us to help give you that competitive edge, we would love to speak to you. Contact us here or call the office on 01772 259121 for more information on how our exceptional recruitment experience can help your career aspirations.

About Clayton Legal

Clayton Legal has been partnering with law firms across the country since 1999 and during that time has built up an enviable reputation for trust and reliability. We have made over 5,000 placements from partners to legal executives, solicitors to paralegals and legal IT personnel to practice managers.

If you are building your legal team or looking for your next career move, we can help. Call us on 01772 259 121.

If you would like to access our free guides, view them all here.

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The 4-Day Work Week: The Future of Work or A Work in Progress?

The concept of having a shorter workweek isn’t a new one by any means. Industries have long since recognised the benefits it can provide for employees and their business, with the (then-revolutionary) idea of a 5-day work week first being introduced in 1926 by American businessman Henry Ford (as well as the two-day weekend) during a time when, in the midst of the industrial revolution, it was the norm for those in Britain to work 6 long days.

With a 5-day work week in place, employers recognised its massive success in increasing employee wellbeing & productivity, and addressing concerns like absenteeism. The shorter workweek then, as we know, went on to become a part of everyday working life for people worldwide.

But since then, despite much talk of this trend bringing another transformation of the structure of the current working week, it has remained unchanged for over a century.

Until recently, that is.

On Trial – The 4-day Week

The idea of a 4-day, or 32-hour work week had begun to garner mainstream attention in the last few years, with six countries (Canada, Australia, Ireland, the UK, New Zealand and the US), already experimenting with it over the past year. In June 2022 we saw the introduction of the first UK 4-day workweek trial, (piloted by organisations 4-Day Week Global and Autonomy) in which 61 companies and 2,900 workers participated, which sought to achieve the same results as the current working week structure and find a better common ground between employers and employees.

And with the results of the trial having been published in February 2023, we now have a glimpse into how it could work across a variety of sectors in what has been heralded by and large as a resounding success.

One of the biggest selling points of the 4-day week notion to employers is the increase in productivity that workers experience. Contrary to how counterintuitive it can appear at first, research from a study conducted by the University of Auckland has shown that a shorter workweek can give rise to greater levels of productivity from employees compared to a standard 5-day workweek. The study involved a New Zealand company, Perpetual Guardian, which trialled a four-day workweek for two months and during the trial, employees reported feeling less stressed and more focused, which led to an increase in their productivity levels.

Similarly, in the pilot, many employees reported improved work-life balance, reduced stress levels, and better overall well-being, with 60% of workers finding it easier to combine their work with caring responsibilities and 62% better able to juggle work with their social life. And it’s showing very encouraging signs business-wise as well, as key metrics show that companies’ revenue, by and large, hadn’t changed over the trial period, but instead showed a healthy increase (35% on average) compared to data from similar reports in previous years. The number of resignations in participating companies also saw a significant decline (57%), highlighting the true value of the benefits that the 4-day workweek structure provided to employees.

The most persuasive statistic of all when considering the longevity and permanency of such a working arrangement is that 92% of companies (56) that participated decided to continue with the model, (with 18 of them making it permanent). It certainly seems to offer a new perspective for employers and employees to find common ground when attempting to strike that delicate balance between increasing productivity & sales whilst also creating a more supportive work environment.

Research Associate at the University of Cambridge, Dr. David Frayne, attested to its effectiveness:

“We feel really encouraged by the results, which showed the many ways companies were turning the four-day week from a dream into a realistic policy, with multiple benefits. We think there is a lot here that ought to motivate other companies and industries to give it a try”.

What Still Remains Unanswered?

But which questions do the results still not answer? And what are the implications for the working world at large should this become a new reality?

Perhaps the first thing that springs to mind when looking at all the positive discourse regarding the results of the trial is, “can it deliver on the promise it’s showing”? While it’s certainly no pipedream to believe it can, considering the trial’s outstanding results, it does highlight a need for a touch of pragmatism when assessing the 4-day workweek’s feasibility and in particular for sectors where it has proven difficult to implement or has just not been successful when doing so.

Take customer-facing businesses for example.

Unlike other professional services that often involve project-type work (which gives employees a greater degree of flexibility when it comes to deadlines), companies in this line of work must have a certain number of staff on-site to take care of the more hands-on aspects of the role and ensure a smooth running of the business.

Naturally, there are bound to be scheduling challenges that arise because of this when implementing the model as customer needs must still be managed effectively, and the business must ensure that communication between teams and with customers is maintained at all times, meaning the idea of a three-day weekend every week for some companies is just not feasible. Certain sectors such as education, healthcare or public transport may argue that this is just not feasible at all.

And even if staffing and logistics issues could be overcome within these sectors, not all can guarantee a productivity increase (and money on the bottom line) to make up for the reduced hours of a 32-hour workweek particularly as such businesses or public services will have to take on extra staff to cover any shortfalls, meaning extra costs overall.

One such company that ran into several of these practical issues when implementing it across their business is Engineering and Industrial supplies company Allcap. Despite reducing the frequency of their staff’s three-day weekend to once every fortnight (due to the nature of their business), they found adapting to the 4-day workweek model difficult, particularly with the increase in daily workload. Employees found it difficult to benefit from the extra day of rest that they had available, as their new week structure now meant that they had gone from ‘’10 normal working days to 9 intense ones’’, making them exhausted by the end of their week. Added to this was the difficulty in finding enough staff to cover for the absences of employees on their free day when holidays, sickness and caring responsibilities were all factored in. Ultimately, and with two months of the trial still planned in, Allcap was forced to abandon across its main trade sites.

Mass Rollout Or Mass Walkout?

As seen from numerous other examples in the trial results, it is certainly not a one-size-fits-all approach and not all businesses can afford the wiggle room needed to adapt to it, which raises valid concerns about its applicability on a larger scale.

Its scalability isn’t the only question mark about it either, as there is the concern of how sustainable it can be over longer periods of time than just the 6 months, considering the unknown long-term impact of a 4-day workweek’s intense work pattern on the physical and mental well-being of employees.

Could the exact reasons for pushing ahead with the pilot around staff wellbeing lead to a worsened state in the long run? It does very much depend on the sector, the type of work being conducted, and the expectations of the customer base – and on that basis it is harder to see how this could be rolled out en masse irrespective of these nuances.

So what next for the trial? And where does all this leave us with regard to the current state of affairs?

Post pandemic, it is clear that there is a growing focus on greater flexibility from employees who are more mindful of when, where, and how they work. In turn, there has been much narrative from businesses around hybrid, flexi, remote-working and analysis of these changes on the impact on business performance and productivity.

Undoubtedly, there has already been a seismic shift in working patterns as numerous companies move to more flexible means of working, but is a further shift to a shorter week on top of this a step too far – at the moment at least?

“Even as the value of the pound goes up and down, the value of people’s time doesn’t.”

Summed up nicely by the above quote from Programme Manager Alex Soojung-Kim Pang at 4-Day Week Global, perhaps the biggest litmus test for the 4-day model, and currently its biggest barrier to a much-anticipated systematic change, is how well it can fare in not just the current economic climate, but an ever-changing one.

With vacancies harder to fill, and potentially more staff on the books (for some sectors) to accommodate a 4-day workweek, it simply isn’t an option at the moment for some, and whether it can still be as viable and as practical in unfavourable conditions remains to be seen.

One thing is for sure, change won’t happen overnight.

About Clayton Legal

Clayton Legal has been partnering with law firms across the country since 1999 and during that time has built up an enviable reputation for trust and reliability. We have made over 5,000 placements from Partners to Legal Executives, Solicitors to Paralegals and Legal IT personnel to Practice Managers.

If you are building your legal team or looking for your next career move, we can help. Call us on 01772 259 121 or email us here.

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Joel Okoye

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The Inside Track With: Christian Butler | Partner | Hay & Kilner LLP

  • April 24, 2023

Every month we speak to prominent professionals working in, around, and for the legal sector in the UK, uncovering their greatest inspiration, what makes them tick in a work capacity and out, and their own career paths and journey to the top of their game.

Interview with: Christian Butler | Partner | Hay & Kilner LLP


5.30am start, readied myself for the day and then rallied my three children out of bed to start to get ready for school. I arrived at work just after 7.30am and after a quick catch up with my colleagues, I planned my work for the day and considered work flow for the week for both myself and my team. I then responded to e-mails received over the weekend before preparing for and then attending a client meeting at 10.00am taking me through to lunch.


Busy. In family law this is bittersweet knowing that more people are experiencing difficulties in their lives, but at the same time, I am grateful that they are trusting me and my team to help them.


No, growing up I dreamt of being an actor or a doctor. Whilst I enjoyed acting, I never followed the dream beyond some am-dram and I’m sure there are some videos of my “acting years” floating around which would amuse many of my friends and colleagues, plus a realisation that I am not a huge fan of blood in my late teens quickly ruled out a future in medicine!

My love of the ocean and diving saw me undertake a degree in Marine Biology. I soon realised, unfortunately, that spending all my time on boats was not ideal as I get seasick. Lab work was also not for me. I worked for several years throughout my undergraduate degree in the hospitality industry and flourished in customer service and people management roles. I found myself particularly adept at dealing with more difficult customers.

My experiences ultimately led me to returning to university to study law. After university, I envisaged that I would work in corporate law and that area still interests me, particularly given the work that I now do often acting on behalf of clients with their own businesses and interests in companies. Throughout my wonderful training contract however, I gravitated towards family law.

Looking back I believe this was due in part to my own experience as the child of divorced parents. I saw first-hand the difficulties faced by my parents, and myself and my sister, as children, going through the process. Clients’ problems resonated with me and I found I was genuinely able to assist them in times of great turmoil. I was able to utilise my years of training in applying the law and at the same time use my honed communication and empathy skills, along with what some may call my tenacity in dealing with particularly problematic situations. I found this greatly enjoyable. In retrospect, given my life experiences, forging a career in family law was perhaps an inevitability.


I have been fortunate enough to be able to help so many deserving clients over the years, which is why I come into work each day, but my greatest personal accomplishment is returning as a Partner to Hay & Kilner, after completing my training contract at the firm. I relish in leading a team of brilliant lawyers and I am so excited for the continued growth of both my team and the wider firm.


I appreciate this is cliched but my mother is my biggest inspiration. She has endured more than most in her life but, through hard work, determination and courage, she led a successful career and was always there for me and my sister. Everything she does is done with love and passion and she exudes eternal kindness. I would not be in the position I am today without her sacrifices and commitment to me and I aspire to be more like her every day.


I bought my wife Michelle Obama’s The Light We Carry as a Christmas present. She raced through it in two days and passed it on. It is a thought provoking read which encourages the reader to “illuminate the richness and potential of the world around us” and to “work through fear, find strength in community and live in boldness”. I would encourage all to read it.


Just be yourself; you are enough! Be open-minded, keep growing, keep reading and keep trying to understand who you are and doors will open that you never knew existed.


In family law, the biggest change is in respect of the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 bringing about so called “no fault divorce”. This, coupled with the reduction in Legal Aid and the services available to parties going through separation and divorce, has meant a large increase in litigants in person and DIY divorce jobs. There are very real reasons why expert advice is needed in a lot of these cases and I am concerned as to the repercussions of not taking, or having access to, advice.

More generally, the way in which traditional law firms operate is changing. It is important that law firms move with the times, be it in respect of structure, non-fee earning functions and technology.


My family. Despite a busy and forever growing workload, I try to spend as much time with my children as possible – whether that is walking to school, attending sporting events or being a monster ridden around the living room. When I am not with the children, I love watching a good film with my wife which takes me away from the thousands of thoughts I have running through my head!


Grounded with Louis Theroux. I find his style of questioning and his ability to get people to open up about deep and personal matters, be they public figures or not, brilliant. This often makes for thought provoking, inspiring and comical listening.


Hay & Kilner LLP  is a full, service law firm with a long-established reputation and with offices in Newcastle & Wallsend. Founded in 1946, Hay & Kilner offers a variety of legal services to both individuals and businesses including Residential and Commercial Property, Family, and Inheritance Disputes, as well as niche areas including Agriculture and Veterinary Practices.

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Is It Time To Turn Off The ‘Always-On’ Culture?

  • April 18, 2023

“Burnout Is Nine Tenths Of The Law”


This old saying arguably still rings true in the 21st century when ‘stress’ and ‘burnout’ were often perceived to come with the turf as a lawyer, long before anyone had even heard of Covid-19, and the seismic changes that brought to the workplace.

There are numerous reports, research, and insight that indicates the burnout crisis has actually worsened over the past few years – driven by the blurring of boundaries between personal and work life as emails and calls are answered out-of-hours, and working from home often means working around the clock.

Solicitors and other legal professionals are acutely aware of the negative impacts of an overworked lifestyle, as seen from the results of a survey done by Legatics, with over 25% of lawyers stating that they experience burnout on a daily basis. With increasing caseloads and long working hours, stress can creep up and lead to burnout for those who don’t take measures to maintain their work-life balance, and address the warning signs head on.

Of course, sometimes that’s easier said than done. When legal professionals are engaged in their work, they are invested in their law firm and more likely to work harder towards their goals. However, they can also fall victim to the workaholic culture that is rooted in this field and feel pressured to ’soldier on’ at the risk of their own well-being.

By their very nature, legal professionals are perfectionists, high-achievers and undoubtedly ambitious – yet LawCare, a non profit organisation for the legal sector, reported that ‘stress’ is the top reason people within this sector called their helpline.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the signs of burnout and the steps you can take to avoid it.

But before we do, it’s worth defining the difference between stress and burnout. Although often used simultaneously, they are very different things.

The Difference Between Stress and Burnout

It’s essential to know the difference between stress and burnout.

Stress is common to all of us and can be caused by anything from dealing with your end of month deadlines, to delivering a case to court or pitching for a new client.

In other words, stress can kick in when we have a little more on our plate than usual, and often with timely deadlines. Sometimes this can be a good thing as it provides the motivation to get the job done – good stress as the name implies helps you perform well in a challenging situation, because it wires the brain in a positive way, leading to stronger neural networks and greater resilience.

However, burnout is something different.

Burnout is a complete inability to function, even on a fundamental level. Exhaustion, disillusionment and despair are vital signs, and it is common for sufferers not even to have the will to get out of bed.

Additionally, burnout can take a long time to recover from, and so it’s critical to maintain your mental health in the workplace to ensure you are working at peak performance: for yourself, your team, and your firm.

Who Is At Risk?

‘You can only “burnout” if you have been “alight” in the first place’. (Mindtools)

Anyone can become exhausted. But did you know that burnout mainly strikes people who are highly committed to their work?

Burnout often happens to high achievers – the individuals who relentlessly volunteer for additional caseloads or to stay late regularly to help prepare reports.

The nature of high performers also means that they are happy to help others – all adding to the weight of their work. From mentoring Paralegals to ‘just helping Dan get this table centred on his document’ – these additional tasks may be small things, but they will start to chip away at the individual’s ability to cope.

The Signs of Burnout

Are you at risk from burnout at work? Here are the signs to watch out for:

You have an excessive workload:

  •  Too much work on your plate leads to longer hours, poor diet, little sleep and low energy, which manifests as stress and soon leads to mental and physical exhaustion.

Your get up and go has gone:

  • You just can’t be bothered with the things that used to interest you. And not only at work – but socially too.

Your stress response is heightened:

  • Normally calm and considered, you have a short fuse as your stress levels rise. You may become prone to angry outbursts and a personality shift.

You’re experiencing severe exhaustion:

  •  You can barely summon up the energy to get up in the morning and have no desire to get dressed and go to work. This goes beyond low motivation; the very thought of having to get out of bed and go to the office can make you feel physically ill.

You feel cynical

  • Your previously positive attitude dissolves into a feeling that everything is meaningless. The things that used to motivate you – pride in a good job, inspirational colleagues, ambition to do well in your career – all now seem pointless.

You have dark thoughts

  • Burnout can take your mind to a bad place. The belief that you can’t change how you currently feel can leave you fearing the worst-case scenarios.

Avoiding Burnout

There’s no getting away from the fact that burnout is extremely serious, and much more than just a case of being ‘a bit stressed’ at work. If you, or a colleague, is exhibiting any of the above signs, now is the time to deal with them.

1. Rediscover Your Why

‘Why’ Look at the impact of the work you do and the positive effect it has on other lives. The PERMA model can help bring meaning to your life. If you think you are in the wrong role, maybe now is the time to consider a move and rediscover your passion for what you do.

2. Reassess Your Workload

What do you need to do, and what is additional? Reassess your role to identify what is essential and what you can delegate to cut out the excess. If necessary, schedule time with your Senior Partner to discuss reallocating non-essential work.

3. Exercise

From a yoga session to taking up squash, whatever floats your boat is good for the psyche. Building in time to exercise can not only increase your health but provide additional benefits such as positivity and energy, as well as contribute to a better night’s sleep.

4. Readdress Your Work-Life Balance

Make time to spend away from the office with friends and family. Doing something you love – maybe something creative or just relaxing – will help you perform more effectively when you are at work, as well as improve your work-life balance.

5. Manage Your Stress

Mindfulness techniques can help with short-term stress. A regular five- or ten-minute meditation will clear your neural pathways and calm your breathing, enabling you to tackle projects and caseloads more efficiently.

6. Think Positively

A fascinating body of research by the Harvard Business Review indicated that re-labelling negative stress emotions as something positive can help you see things in a positive light, rather than a negative pressure.

So, fear becomes anticipation, flustered becomes excited, and dread becomes caution.

In Conclusion

Whilst burnout isn’t classed as a medical diagnosis, it was classified in 2019 as an ‘occupational phenomenon’ by the World Health Organisation (WHO); a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.

And whilst working within the legal profession can be incredibly rewarding, it can also be overwhelming and stressful by its very nature.

This feeling of overwhelm, stress, and eventual burnout does not happen overnight, and whilst it can be a serious problem if left unchecked, recognising the warning signs and taking action early on is key.

What Next?

If you found this article informative, check out more of our blogs written primarily for the legal profession, or if you’re looking for that ideal legal role, check out the vacancies we have available.

For further tips or advice, call our team on 01772 259 121 and let’s have a conversation to explore your options.

About Clayton Legal

Clayton Legal has been partnering with law firms across the country since 1999 and during that time has built up an enviable reputation for trust and reliability. We have made over 5,000 placements from Partners to Legal Executives, Solicitors to Paralegals and Legal IT personnel to Practice Managers.

If you are building your legal team or looking for your next career move, we can help. Call us on 01772 259 121 or email us here.

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Is The Humble Cover Letter Dead? No…But It Has Evolved…

  • April 15, 2023

At Clayton Legal, we’ve long been advocates of the humble cover letter to create standout for our Legal candidates and provide that golden opportunity to add personality and interest in the role, over and above a CV. Although there is often some debate about the usefulness and relevance of this format. In fact, according to some recent research that we conducted within our legal network, 45% think they are no longer necessary…

The pandemic undoubtedly accelerated the use of technology as part of the hiring and recruitment process, and candidate profiles were (and continue to be) further enhanced through video and other digital platforms that allow all parties to explore role profiles and best fit, particularly when face-to-face interviews were largely paused, and are no longer the ‘standard’ anymore.

What is clear is that any format that provides junior lawyers chance to demonstrate suitability for specific roles and illustrate relevant skills and experience can only be an advantage – especially in creating stand out.

In short, they are a golden opportunity to introduce yourself, highlight your most desirable skills, and create a good impression to either/both your legal recruiter or the hiring manager of the firm(s) in question.

So why on earth are they so often skimmed over – or even worse, left out altogether?

Without a cover letter, your job application is just another sheet of paper, or another PDF file on the computer screen – one often lacking in personality and excitement.

And you know what? That’s fine: after all, the CV’s function is to list experience and skills. Your cover letter is there to add interest.

Without a cover letter, your CV is much more likely to be skimmed over and discarded. It might not even be read at all – almost certainly the case if the job description has asked for a cover letter to be included.

However, that’s not to say that any old cover letter will do.  There’s an art to writing a good cover letter – one that will make a recruiter straighten in their seat and think, ‘hmm, this person looks interesting.’


  • Write your cover letter in the first person. When you’ve written your first draft, check over it and you’ll probably find that you’ve started every single sentence with ‘I’. Go back and reword some of the sentences so that they have variation in how they begin – it makes the cover letter read better and will increase the impact.
  • Mix it up and write different cover letters for different organisations. Personalisation is key and always gets noticed. Your legal recruitment consultant can help you with this. For each legal job application, scour the job ad to look at the particular skills or competencies they’re seeking. Write your cover letter to tell them how your skills and experiences fit what they are looking for. Include why you want to work for their company too.
  • Remember not to ramble: If it’s a big block of text crammed onto one page, then you put the person off ever reading it at all. Four to six very short paragraphs are the perfect length.
  • Ensure you create white space between each major piece of information, so that it is easy to read and pick out the critical parts. In today’s online world many cover letters could be read on mobile so factor this in too.
  • Use straightforward, clean language; you are a legal professional after all. Complex language can be a headache for the reader and confuses the message – i.e. why you’re the ideal person for the role.
  • Break overly long sentences into shorter ones, then read it aloud and see how it sounds.
  • Put all your contact details on the cover letter. If you are unavailable to take calls during working hours, advise when is suitable.
  • Make sure you mention the name of the company in the body of the cover letter and demonstrate that you have done your research on the company in some way. This marks the application out as targeted and that you care enough to make your application stand out.
  • Strike a balance. Every company enjoys being flattered. While you want to demonstrate you are the right person for the role, be aware you don’t come across as sounding desperate.
  • Don’t send your letter without having someone read over it for spelling and grammar mistakes. Of course, run it through spellcheck first, but that won’t always pick up homophones such as ‘their and there’ or ‘your and you’re’.
  • Put real thought into what the reader might find interesting about you, your work experience, your interests and your personality.

In short, keep it short. Keep it readable. Keep it relevant to the job offer. Get someone to check it. Above all, put some serious effort into making sure it’s as good as it possibly can be, as a lack of effort will rarely open the door to an interview.


About Clayton Legal

Clayton Legal has been partnering with law firms across the country since 1999 and during that time has built up an enviable reputation for trust and reliability. We have made over 5,000 placements from partners to legal executives, solicitors to paralegals and legal IT personnel to practice managers.

If you are building your legal team or looking for your next career move, we can help.
Call us on 01772 259 121 or email us here.


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How to determine if it’s time to find your new legal job

  • April 3, 2023

Deciding to leave your current legal employer often feels like a big step. A new role can be intimidating, with new people to meet, processes to learn, and challenges to overcome. Not to mention, the process of searching for a new role can be daunting too.

While jumping from job to job aimlessly may not deliver the results you’re looking for, there are times when switching to a new employer can be very beneficial. In some cases, finding a new job comes with the advantages of a better firm culture, improved benefits, and new opportunities.

What’s more, with endless opportunities now available on the market, candidates have more options than ever before. Around 96% of employees globally say they’re thinking of starting a new position in 2023 according to a recent poll by So, how do you know if you should follow suit?

The key to success is making sure you’re taking this step for all the right reasons. Here’s how you can decide if it’s the right time to leave your current law firm.

1. Look at Opportunities for Growth

The best legal roles open the door to endless development and professional growth. To achieve your career goals, you need to ensure your current employer is committed to helping you expand, thrive, and succeed in the years to come.

Even if you’re relatively happy with your role as it stands today, a lack of development opportunities could mean you start to feel bored, restricted, or stunted.

  • Ask yourself if there are any “next steps” available in your current role.
  • What kind of approach does your employer take to promotions?
  • Can you work towards a higher-paying, more challenging role?
  • Are there any educational opportunities available to help you build transferable skills?

If your employer doesn’t allow you to gain certifications, attend conferences, or even explore opportunities for upward movement in the firm, it might be time to look elsewhere.

2. Ask Yourself if the Culture Meets Your Needs

Firm culture is more than just a buzzword. Several recent polls on LinkedIn indicate that over 80% of job seekers say they think a healthy culture at work is vital for success. When you first joined your law firm, you may have been relatively happy with the culture in place.

However, as you continue to grow as a professional, you might find that your priorities begin to change. For instance, if you’re looking for remote or flexible working options to allow you to manage any new family responsibilities, you may need to find a law firm with a more agile culture.

In some cases, the culture in a firm can also deteriorate over time. The leadership team there may stop actively investing in employee happiness and well-being, and new leaders and managers could start to create uncomfortable working environments. If you’re not happy with the culture, you’ll struggle to thrive in your role.

3. Watch for Signs of Burnout

If your current employer doesn’t invest a lot of time and effort into supporting employee wellbeing, you may begin to notice the repercussions in the form of physical and mental symptoms. Employee burnout has become increasingly common in recent years, due to inefficient work processes, a lack of stability, and complex digital transformations.

If you’re constantly feeling exhausted at work, taking more days off to care for yourself or find yourself dealing with excessive feelings of anxiety or stress, you could be on the verge of burnout.

Not only is burnout detrimental to your health, but it could impact your performance in the workplace, meaning your professional reputation begins to deteriorate. Speak to your employer about ways of tackling burnout before you consider leaving. If they can’t help, it might be time to look for a new legal role.

4. Consider Your Engagement and Motivation Levels

Many of us have days at work when we’d rather be at home with our families. Wishing you were elsewhere or watching the clock from time to time doesn’t necessarily mean you should leave your legal employer. However, if you never feel motivated, or you’re constantly disinterested in the work you’re doing, this could be a sign you’re in the wrong place.

Ask yourself what prompts you to go to work each morning.

  • Are you inspired by the vision of the firm?
  • Do you feel a connection to the values they share?
  • Or are you just trying to earn a pay-check?

If you don’t feel motivated to continue doing your best, your work quality could begin to suffer, which puts you at risk of repercussions later on.

If you’re no longer passionate about the work you’re doing, or the firm itself, it might be time to look for a role where you feel more engaged and excited about your position.

5. Are You Using Your Full Potential

Sometimes, even roles with clear job descriptions don’t turn out to deliver the experience we expected. Over time, your current position might evolve, to the point where you’re doing more of the tasks you dislike, and less of the jobs you feel inspired and motivated by.

While you don’t have to love every aspect of your job to be successful in your role, you should feel as though you have the opportunity to showcase your skills and reach your full potential. If your talents aren’t being utilised properly by your current employer, you might start to feel restless and unhappy in your job.

Before you leave your role, you could always consider asking your manager for opportunities to do more of the things you like or take on new challenges. However, if you feel like you’re stuck in a rut with no way out, it might be time for a change. To help gain more clarity on your career journey, we have put together a career checklist that you can use in conjunction with the above steps, which you can access here.

6. Consider the Feedback Experience

Finally, in order to succeed in any legal role, employees need regular feedback and guidance. You should be getting advice from your managers and supervisors on how you can improve your skills and boost your professional outcomes, so you can continue to grow.

At the same time, it’s important to feel as though you’re being recognised for your work. If your leaders never say “thank you” when you do a good job, and they’re terrible at providing rewards and recognition, then you’re more likely to feel unsatisfied in your role.

Again, you can consider speaking to your boss or HR team about your concerns, but don’t simply accept the sense of being “invisible”. Make sure you can feel like an active and appreciated part of your team, by looking for the right role.

Is it Time to Switch Employers?

There are countless reasons why an employee might choose to switch to a different legal role over time. While leaving your current job can be daunting, it can also be an important step in making sure you achieve your true potential and accomplish your professional goals.

If you think it might be time to seek out a new position, reaching out to a legal recruitment agency such as ourselves can be a big help in finding the right opportunities. They’ll be able to assist you in finding a position that offers the salary, benefits, support, development, and culture you’re looking for. If you’re looking to speak to our team and get your legal career back on track, you can contact us using this form here.


About Clayton Legal

Clayton Legal has been partnering with law firms across the country since 1999 and during that time has built up an enviable reputation for trust and reliability. We have made over 5,000 placements from partners to legal executives, solicitors to paralegals and legal IT personnel to practice managers.

If you are building your legal team or looking for your next career move, we can help. Call us on 01772 259 121 or email us here.

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Handling Difficult Conversations With Your Legal Team

  • March 31, 2023

Communication is key in any workplace, and necessary as a business leader or manager to keep staff members on the same page as you, synchronize teams, and strengthen performance.

Unfortunately, effective communication isn’t always easy to achieve. 86% of employees and executives cite poor communication as one of the core causes of workplace failures. One of the primary challenges managers face is figuring out how to handle complex conversations with their staff members. In every workplace, issues can arise which require a difficult discussion.

You may need to address a dip in performance with an otherwise stellar employee, or discuss emotional issues like burnout and lack of engagement.

While conversations such as these can be challenging for every party involved, they’re fundamental to ensuring your employees can continue to deliver and thrive in their roles.

So, how do you handle complex conversations correctly?

Step 1: Gather the Right Information

Preparation is essential to any valuable conversation. The more information you have to go into the meeting or discussion with, the more likely it is you’ll be able to achieve a mutual understanding.

For instance, if you need to speak to your employee about problems with their performance, telling them they seem “distracted” at work might not drive the right results. Most staff members will act defensively when presented with negative feedback, and may attempt to argue that their perceptions are incorrect.

However, if you enter the meeting with evidence of your employee missing deadlines, receiving negative feedback from clients, or failing to achieve objectives they have been set related to their job specifications, they will be much more likely to listen.

Having more specific information on hand will also facilitate a deeper discussion about what’s actually going wrong. For instance, your employee may be delivering the same quality of work, but missing deadlines, which could indicate an impending risk of burnout.

Step 2: Set the Stage for a Valuable Discussion

The right setting and plan can make a huge difference to the outcomes of a complex conversation. For instance, when discussing difficult topics, most employees will want a private setting, which allows them to keep the situation confidential. Nobody wants to be called out in front of their colleagues and peers.

Choosing a room or environment which feels comfortable and open can be helpful. An employee shouldn’t feel like they’re being interrogated, or this can lead to a very one-sided conversation, where your team member immediately begins acting defensively.

Schedule a meeting with your legal employee at a time suitable for both of you, and allow time to have a detailed conversation. It may also be worth letting your staff member know exactly what you’re going to be talking about in advance, so they can come prepared.

For example, instead of saying “We need to discuss what happened in the last meeting”, you can say, “I feel like you weren’t as engaged as usual in the previous meeting, let’s set up a discussion, so we can arrange how to address that going forward.”

Step 3: Put Facts Before Feelings

A complex conversation can easily become emotional. However, allowing emotions to run rampant can lead to arguments between staff, rather than valuable conversations. With this in mind, it’s important for you to show your leadership skills, and take an objective, logical approach.

Using the facts you’ve gathered during the initial preparation stage, start thinking about how you can structure your conversation to put logic first. Introduce all the key issues you want to address at the beginning of the conversation, with evidence and proof for validation.

Don’t tell your employee how disappointed you are, and avoid using “I feel” statements. Instead, remain as calm and objective as possible. Instead of saying, “I feel you just didn’t do your best here”. Say, “Based on (facts), you can see this project doesn’t reflect your best work. What happened?”

Step 4: Stay Positive

Although it’s valuable to maintain an objective and logical viewpoint when approaching a complex discussion with a member of your team, it’s also helpful to maintain a positive outlook. The aim isn’t to berate or upset your employee, but to start working together on a solution for the problem you’ve discovered.

Your staff members will be far more inclined to work with you on resolving the issue if they feel as though you’re approaching it with a positive mindset. Rather than just accusing your employee of not working as hard as usual, or being lazy, ask them why they think the issue has happened.

Use this feedback to offer advice on how they can make positive changes. For instance, if an employee feels overwhelmed by too much work, you could suggest different scheduling strategies, or ask them whether they’ve considered delegating some of their tasks.

Step 5: Listen to Your Employee

A conversation is a two-way experience. Unfortunately, it’s easy for a manager to fall into the trap of simply speaking “at” their employee, rather than speaking with them. Even if you have a lot of proof to back up the complaint you’re making, it’s important to remember you may not have the whole story. The only way to effectively resolve a problem is to ask relevant questions and listen to the answer.

Rather than trying to “win” the conversation and prove your employee has done something wrong in a negative conversation, for instance, aim for mutual understanding. By the end of the discussion, your employee should understand they’re not adhering to your expectations, and you should have a better knowledge of why their performance is slipping.

After you’ve presented the facts, give your employee a chance to share their perspective.

This will pave the way for a better conversation, where you can start discussing potential solutions as a team. This strategy will not only improve your chances of resolving the issue, but also lead to a better relationship between you and each individual on your team.

Step 6: Follow Up

Finally, just because a complex conversation comes to an end, doesn’t mean your work is completely done. The purpose of any difficult conversation with a team member should always be to inspire positive action, changed behaviour, and results.

Whether you’re discussing burnout, emotional issues, or performance problems, you should always end the discussion with a plan of what to do next. Come up with a strategy using the input of your legal staff members, and then follow up to see whether the resolution is working.

Checking in, or arranging an additional meeting in the future, will ensure you don’t lose track of the issue and allow it to snowball. It also means you can work together to come up with alternative solutions if your initial strategy doesn’t work out.

Difficult Conversations are Common

In any law firm, there’s a good chance, managers will have to deal with difficult conversations at some point. Performance issues can arise anywhere, and burnout can cause significant problems for employees. Being able to discuss complex, emotional, and even negative topics effectively are crucial if you want to get the most out of your team.

Of course, it always helps to hire the right people to begin with, focusing on candidates who share your open communication style. Working with a specialist legal recruitment agency could make conversations with your legal staff a lot easier, and we’d love to give a helping hand in ensuring your legal team gets the right fit from the get-go. If you find yourself in a position where you could really benefit from such services, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

In Conclusion

Handling difficult and uncomfortable conversations is always a challenging task, even for the most experienced managers and business leaders, but when overcome, they become an opportunity for you to boost employee engagement and performance throughout your team, ultimately benefitting both your team members and the business. Additionally, the above points can serve as possible signs to look out for that could indicate discontentment amongst your legal employees and a resulting desire to look for a new career move elsewhere, giving you the opportunity to take action ahead of time.

About Clayton Legal

Clayton Legal has been partnering with law firms across the country since 1999 and during that time has built up an enviable reputation for trust and reliability. We have made over 5,000 placements from partners to legal executives, solicitors to paralegals, and legal IT personnel to practice managers.

If you are building your legal team or looking for your next career move, we can help – whether that’s on a contingency or retained basis.

Call us on 01772 259 121 or email us here.

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The Inside Track With: Carina Pennant-Williams | Litigation Director | Bowcock Cuerden LLP

  • March 27, 2023

Every month we speak to prominent professionals working in, around, and for the legal sector in the UK, uncovering their greatest inspiration, what makes them tick in a work capacity and out, and their own career paths and journey to the top of their game.

Interview with: Carina Pennant-Williams | Litigation Director & Solicitor | Bowcock Cuerden LLP


I have been working on settling a fairly nasty re-possession matter, advising on an adverse possession case, taken calls from four new clients, had a remote directions Hearing and somehow managed to make a coffee and then deal with a bird brought in by the cat.


We are all busier than ever! We have some great links with other professionals and bodies referring work to us, as well as quite a lot of repeat business, so we have been looking to recruit across most departments to help us to service the volume of work coming in.


I actually wanted to be a pilot, but have no idea where that came from. As I’m now a bit of a nervous flier, it’s probably just as well I went into the law. When I was choosing my A-levels, Law was offered as a ‘distance learning’ course and I thought that I would give it a try. I found it interesting, applied to study Law at University and then carried on from there.


Often it’s the small things that give a real feeling of accomplishment, such as settling a case for a client on favourable terms. It might not be something that gets you into the law reports, but there is a great deal of satisfaction in achieving a good result for a client that has saved them the costs and stress of litigating to Trial.

In terms of a win, I would say that it was a 5-day public inquiry a few years ago, at which I successfully opposed public rights over my Client’s land which would have absolutely devastated his business and livelihood.


It may be a bit of a cliché, but it has to be my dad! He climbed the career ladder, through utter determination and hard-work, from the bottom to being appointed the chief of staff and director of a large NHS trust. In the end, he had too many job titles and letters after his name to remember.


I tend to listen to audiobooks, given the amount of driving I do.

At the moment, I am listening to “Shift” by Hugh Howey, the second in a trilogy about an apocalyptic era.


To be patient about the amount of learning, in different areas of law, and embrace the experience in those different fields. I knew early on that I wanted to end up in litigation, but the knowledge and practice in other areas really has helped me, so it’s all been worthwhile.

Learn what you can about every area of law and soak it all up like a sponge!


More home working has perhaps been the biggest change, although myself and some of our other Solicitors did that to an extent before Covid. The lockdowns forced everyone though to think about whether remote meetings were suitable, as well as enabling more Court Hearings to be handled remotely, saving time and costs. We have also dealt with some remote mediations, which have worked well.

Since I started in litigation, there has been a real focus on monitoring the costs of both parties. The implementation of costs budgeting was a real learning curve and, whilst I wasn’t a huge fan at the outset, I do see the clear benefits for clients and am able to explain and discuss that with them. Generally clients now want to know exactly what litigation is going to cost them, so there has certainly been a shift towards fixed fees in many cases, whether that is for the whole case or perhaps for each stage of the proceedings.


I cherish my weekends with my family. My children are 7 and 10, so time with them is precious. I’m also into cold water swimming, so can often be found in a waterfall in North Wales.


The Sober Experiment podcast by Alex and Lisa at Bee Sober, who are both inspirational so in many ways.


Bowcock Cuerden LLP  is a leading commercial law practice based in Nantwich, South Cheshire. Founded almost 30 years ago, the practice offers a variety of legal services to both individuals and businesses including Residential and Commercial Property, Insolvency, Family, and Corporate and Commercial, as well as niche areas including Agriculture and Equine Law.


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