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How To Build Your Legal Talent Pipeline This Year

  • February 25, 2019

How to build a talent pipeline for your legal practice is a question many of our consultants are asked.

Logical when you consider that developing your team and the talent within your organisation will be key to your growth this year.

What Is A Talent Pipeline?

Contrary to what you might expect to read on a legal recruitment website, building a talent pipeline involves developing your current employees in addition to recruiting legal talent to ‘plug’ skill or experience gaps or fill your expansion needs.

Both will be critical for your success.

Building A Legal Talent Pipeline: Business Strategy

The first question to inform your talent pipeline is focused on your current business growth strategy.

Are you planning to move into a new geography or perhaps offer a different aspect of your service?

You might have focused on business services such as property or corporate and commercial law and now want to expand into home and family; perhaps even consider wealth management.

The question is, do you have the capability in these areas currently or do you need to bring in a director or consultant to build a new vertical and/or develop new fee earners who are keen to move?

Considering these questions, how will you now plan your recruitment and within what time frame?

As a legal recruitment company with twenty years experience, we notice that many clients when they first come to us haven’t thought through their long term plan.

Remember to factor in budget and time to hire to hit your growth goals and be prepared for people leaving, which will produce gaps which need to be filled.

Building A Legal Talent Pipeline: Your Current Team And Their Development

In today’s current legal market and depending on the size of your firm it’s unlikely that you will be overstaffed with employees, ready, willing and able to be developed into a different role.

However, if you have a robust training and performance development process, it is more than possible that members of your current team will be able to move into different roles. Depending on your timelines it may be viable that some members of staff can develop to fill your growth gaps over the next one to three years.

Remember in today’s workplace; Millennials rule and are increasing in numbers across the globe. Something they deem key in their work is the opportunity to be developed. Therefore factor this into your talent development strategy and your future recruitment plans too.

Building A Legal Talent Pipeline: Your Employer Brand

We have recently carried out research with candidates on why they choose to work with certain clients and not others.

Employer branding, culture and approach were giving as three influencing factors. One candidate even shared a story how after she came out of the interview she had been overwhelmed, in a positive way, by the  ‘feel’ of the organisation and their approach and was ‘keeping everything crossed’ that they made her an offer.

This isn’t an uncommon story, and the impact of your employer brand is more critical than ever. If you would like to know more about this important strategy we have written a complimentary report which you can download here.

A strong employer brand showcases the values and company culture in your organisation – all essential for attracting talent to your legal organisation and engaging your current staff.

More than 59% of managers say that branding is one of the critical components of their HR strategy.

While there are many different definitions for “employer branding” depending on whom you ask, they all mostly say the same thing. Your brand is the way that ‘potential new legal team members’ in the business world perceive you, and your opportunity to showcase what makes you unique.

Otherwise known as an “Employer Value Proposition”, your brand can help both you and your legal recruitment partner truly attract talent to your organisation while ensuring that you fill your team full of people who share the same values.

For more insight into Employer Value Propositions click here to understand how they can help give you stand out when recruiting in competitive markets, particularly post-pandemic.

Building A Legal Talent Pipeline: Using A Specialist Legal Recruiter

The majority of clients we work with here at Clayton Legal come to us to help them build their talent pipeline because they have neither the time or connections to do the job as well as they would like.

Recruiting is our job; unlike most law firms who have to attract and work with clients, develop their fee earners and growing teams and then, as the business dictates recruit new members of the legal team.

A challenge for an already time-pressed individual.

Though it is great to recruit from within, it’s also key to bring in new ideas and perspectives from key hires who might have a different portfolio of experience and results.

Finding these individuals in a skill short market takes time.

Though we would always encourage building a network and leveraging your existing contacts and old law school connections, this doesn’t always produce the results you want.

For instance, James who you have met at various social law gatherings may have a high profile, however, might not have the detailed attributes your role description indicates is pivotal.

This is why working with an experienced recruitment company in the legal sector will make all the difference in building your talent pipeline.

Utilising all these different ideas and suggestions in your legal practice will enable you to start the process of building a strong legal talent pipeline this year.

About Clayton Legal

Clayton Legal has been partnering with law firms across the country since 1999 and during that time has built up an enviable reputation for trust and reliability. We have made over 3,000 placements from partners to legal executives, solicitors to paralegals and legal IT personnel to practice managers.

If you are building your legal team or looking for your next career move, we can help.
Call us on 01772 259 121 or email us here.

If you would like to know more about recruiting trends in the legal sector this year download our latest guide here.

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How To Stand Out And Win The Legal Career Race

  • February 7, 2019

Are you ready to stand out and win the legal career race this year? A question you ‘should’ be asking if you want to develop your legal career.

The popular press is chattering away about the ‘skill shortage’ especially related to legal talent this year. However, don’t be fooled into thinking it will be easy to get any role you please and in the legal practice you want.

This scenario reminds me of a quote by Benjamin Mays, the American educator and civil rights leader.

“The tragedy of life is often not in our failure, but rather our complacency; not in our doing too much, but rather in our doing too little; not in living above our ability. But rather in our living below our capacities.”

A lesson for us all in not being complacent and assuming we can pick and choose the roles we want.

If you are a driven individual who loves the law, and the idea of going all in to get what you want resonates with you, we have some ideas, suggestions and nuggets in this week’s post.

Make It Important and Decide What You Want

The reason so many people don’t achieve their career and life goals for that matter is that they don’t truly decide what they want.

Human beings are success driven beings according to the bestselling author Maxwell Maltz, the author of Psych Cybernetics. His research and work with patients revealed that we are all wired for success provided we have a goal to focus on.

Therefore, decide what you truly want. If it’s to be a litigation assistant; great. Or if your goal is to be a commercial property fee earner that is OK too. It might take more time, effort and study though anything is possible with focus and application.

Goals and Milestones

We have eluded to this before in other posts but once you know what you want, set a goal.

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day and you will need to consider time frames and critical milestones along the way.

One of these milestones might involve a sideways move in a new firm for experience or investment in a coach or mentor.

Map out your plan and consider your next steps. At this point, it’s worth talking to a legal recruitment consultant. It’s part of our role to ‘consult’ with candidates. Our job is to help you with your career, a chat costs nothing, and our experience is that we can often stop our candidates taking the role that won’t help them in their longer-term plan.

Excel Where You Are

Become exceptional at what you do where you are, and people notice. They will either fight to hold onto you and strive to develop you in your current organisation, or you will have the pick of legal jobs.

It is one of the givens in life.

Neymar is the most expensive football player ever. I am sure this has a lot to do with his skills and his exceptional talent. After all, he was named as the South American footballer of the year two years in succession.

Though I am not the greatest football fan, my accountancy background gives me a financial lens into life and the pattern that plays out which links skill development and hard work to financial rewards.

This leads me onto something else.

Be Driven To Get Better: #AlwaysBeLearning

It’s common that the most skilled and well-read individuals do well in life. They are always looking for gaps in their abilities and how they might fill them.

Picture the scenario: Stephen, one candidate laments that because they haven’t got the best knowledge of leases and acquisitions, they will have to accept they will never be able to get that role as a commercial property solicitor.

The same conversation with Rachel goes very differently and instead she is willing to look at what additional study needs to happen and if there is an interim role she can move into?

Guess which one of these two individuals will win the longer-term career race?

Take Calculated Risks

Anyone reading this post understands that life will always include calculated risks.

Here is a fascinating fact.

Did you know that the planes we all use spend 99% of their time off course?

From the time you take off, you will be off course 99% of the time.

It is the same with all aeroplanes.

The purpose and role of the pilot and the avionics is to continually bring the plane back on course so that it arrives on schedule at its destination.

This is a great metaphor and a good way to consider your career development. So, in life, you are the pilot of your career path. To reach your destination, role model the pilot.

First, decide what you want through a clear goal with an attached action plan.

Then press ‘go’ and take off toward your destination with no guarantee of success.

Be willing to move out of your comfort zone and take a role that might be a horizontal move.

The final part and the real secret are to be OK making continual course corrections.

Like an aircraft faces headwinds, storm fronts, lightning and unexpected turbulence, you will experience the same in the pursuit of any worthwhile goal.

The key to success is for you to keep your mind fixed clearly on the goal but be flexible about the way of achievement. Be open to new inputs and ideas.

This way you will stand out above everyone else as you win the race to achieve the legal career you want.

About Clayton Legal

Clayton Legal has been partnering with law firms across the country since 1999 and during that time has built up an enviable reputation for trust and reliability. We have made over 5,000 placements from partners to legal executives, solicitors to paralegals and legal IT personnel to practice managers.

If you are looking for your next career move, we can help. Call us on 01772 259 121 or email us here.

If you would more help on preparing for your interview download our interview checklist here.

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The 72 Hour Countdown To Your Legal Interview

  • February 5, 2019

Irrespective of whether you are moving into a new private client solicitor role or you are a superb legal secretary looking for their next opportunity, this is still a key career move; at least for now.

You actively applied for this role because you believe it will deliver you closer to your career and broader life goals.

By giving the interview process the respect it deserves, you will increase your chances of being successful and securing the role.

To truly succeed at a legal interview and confirm to your hiring manager you have the appropriate skills, traits and you are a good culture fit, you will need to be ready.

Poor planning delivers poor results.

Therefore, we aren’t talking about a quick look through their website the night before. Instead, we are referring to being fully prepared and ready by making the most of the 72-hour preparation window you need before your interview begins.

Three days is the perfect length of time to deliver you to the interview primed and ready in a calm and confident fashion.

Here is where we suggest starting.

1. Research and a Conversation With Your Legal Recruitment Consultant

In the current legal recruitment market, it’s likely that you will have found your role through a specialist legal recruitment company like Clayton Legal.

That being the case we, your recruiting partner, should be your first port of call when it comes to knowing as much as possible about the specific legal role in question and the company you could potentially join.

It is imperative to do this sooner rather than later, as this will enable you to carry out additional research as necessary, to stand out. Alternatively, this will let you know about gaps you might have that must be addressed in how you communicate your value to your future employer.

Google is naturally your friend here.

Look at any news about the sector of law you will be involved with. For instance, earlier this month I was looking at information about collaborative law and came across a post from a press release by a Bath law firm who were offering free mediation information sessions to people considering divorce, as part of Family Mediation Week.

A talking point maybe? Though your skills and experience are critical, your wider knowledge of the law is important too.

Research the company online. Learn as much as you can from the website, including all their specialisms and any bigger cases they are working on and what their plans might be.

Review all their social media profiles and anything they have published on LinkedIn’s article platform.

If the website has staff profiles and an ‘Our Story’ page, so much the better. If you can, find out how many employees they have and who is part of the leadership team.

During this research stage, you will be able to prepare good questions to ask that will demonstrate you are a serious candidate who’s done their homework. You would be surprised how many candidates don’t make an effort in this regard, and you’re likely to stand out by doing this.

If you are working with a professional legal recruitment consultant, they will be able to help you with most of this too. So, it’s critical to discuss the job description in detail and how you can demonstrate your value, which leads me onto the next point.

2. Know And Demonstrate Your Value

In today’s legal field hiring managers are looking for skills and abilities, yes; though they are also looking for the value you can add.

Imagine some of the questions you might be asked and prepare your answers that communicate how you have added value in the past. For instance, it might be a new system you initiated on creating court documents that improved the process, or the updated advice process you developed that has generated positive testimonials and referrals.

Ask your recruitment consultant to tell you what is behind the job specification and what are the crucial skills to demonstrate and communicate.

Finally, if you have a ‘brag’ file or letters of commendation or an end of year review that is positive and recent, take them with you and USE them.

It has been known for hiring managers to comment that James or Tania brought in a briefcase and never opened it!

Which left them wondering if they had missed something? No, but James and Tania missed the opportunity to demonstrate yet another validation of why they should get the role.

Remember to use everything at your disposal to position yourself as the logical choice.

3. Practical Logistics

With the best will in the world, we can all misjudge time. Double check the time and location of the interview, as well as the name of the hiring manager.

If you haven’t already been to check out the venue, prepare your route by car or train leaving plenty of time to get there in case you end up experiencing one of those annoying traffic jams that come from nowhere.

Let’s be frank, interviews are stressful enough, so there is no point adding to that unnecessarily by getting lost and certainly not by turning up late. Hint: hiring managers dislike latecomers.

Most people reading this post understand dress code and how what you are wearing does have an impact; you do, don’t you?

I will explore this briefly in a minute.

Firstly let’s talk about confidence and what you wear. I am not suggesting you head out and buy a new outfit or shoes. Instead, think about the outfit that always makes you feel good.

I have a few outfits I love, and I always wear them if I want a boost of confidence. Perhaps you have had this experience too?

No matter how many presentations you have given, or appearances in court; never underestimate interview nerves and their unexpected impact.

Finally, remember the goal of the interview is to leave the interviewers talking about your skills, attitude, and law experience and potentially how well you would fit into the team.

A fascinating fact I discovered last year is that over half of the population has a visual preference and a keen sense of smell and though we all like to think we don’t judge, we sometimes do.

The last thing you want to have your interviewers chatting about at lunch is how strong your perfume was or questioning if you smoked, or crikey how did you manage to walk in those heels?!

If you follow the steps in this post you have a template to impress the hiring manager with the depth of your knowledge in the company, and how confidently prepared you are.

About Clayton Legal

Clayton Legal has been partnering with law firms across the country since 1999 and during that time has built up an enviable reputation for trust and reliability. We have made over 5,000 placements from partners to legal executives, solicitors to paralegals and legal IT personnel to practice managers.

If you are looking for your next career move, we can help.
Call us on 01772 259 121 or email us here.

If you would more help on preparing for your interview download our interview checklist here.

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The 3 Traits of A Great Commercial Property Solicitor

  • February 2, 2019

As the economy continues to grow so to does the property market too. A natural upside of this is an increasing demand for Commercial Property Solicitors; at every level of the practice.

Now, you might have arrived at this post because you are considering a move into property or because you are wondering how your skills and abilities stack up?

Here at Clayton Legal, we have been placing legal talent with our clients for twenty years, and after delivering over 5000 placements, we have a good handle on the skills and traits that our clients are looking for when it comes to commercial property solicitors.

So, let’s answer some of your questions.

Before we start, it’s worthwhile clarifying some of the finer detail of the role as a reminder.

Logically a commercial property solicitor role, as the name implies, involves working with all the legal aspects involved in both the purchase or sale of commercial property.

Depending on the practice size and geography the work could be divided into both the private and public sector. This might include providing legal services for organisations, property developers, entrepreneurs, the government and individuals. It is quite an interesting group of people to work with.

As a rule, the value of both land and property is shielded from the up and down movement of some other areas.

The thing about the property sector of the law is that it can be a thriving area to work in.

When it comes to day to day tasks, like many other law disciplines, a junior solicitor will work on creating accurate documentation and contracts and manage smaller properties. The more senior solicitors being responsible for the bigger deals and developments.

So, when it comes to your skills and abilities where should, your focus be.

Qualifications and Detail Orientated

I am not going to go on about this point. After all, you are a legal professional reading this! As a quick summary, your qualifications will be as follow.

  • Your undergrad law degree with LPC (Legal Practice Course), or a graduate diploma in law with an LPC.
  • CLC exams.
  • Depending on the firm you may be expected to have several years PQE under your belt too.

When it comes to any legal role, attention to detail is critical to performing well. Remember though that this question is still likely to be asked at some point.

As you consider your skills, ensure you keep notes and examples of how you can demonstrate how accurate you are and your level of detail. As a suggestion maybe through a specific process or system you have developed in your current role?

Communication Skills

Let’s be clear that being a good communicator as a legal professional will be critical to your success. The law is confusing to many lay people and that includes the clients you will be dealing with.

It doesn’t matter that they are a successful business woman or man – the intricacies and impact of the law can still be misunderstood.

No matter what industry you work in, as a service provider part of your role is to make the complex simple for your clients, so they understand; it’s what we are paid for along with delivering the result they want.

Unfortunately, it is easy to forget this.

Clear, concise, communication making the complex easy to understand are the hallmarks of any great communicator; especially needed in the legal profession.

Communication abilities spread across all levels from face to face conversations, presentations and documentation.

Fact: Anyone can improve their communication abilities.

As the first port of call, head over to Amazon and buy a few books. John Adair is a great author, or look at the Dummies series.

Then look on Google and sign up for a communications skills course. Swallow your pride and take action. The logical next step will give you a chance to utilise your new skills too.

Client Management

Clients in every sector have expectations, and rightly so. To keep a client happy involves work and understanding.

Tension arises with clients when expectations are not met in the eyes of the client. The fundamental lesson here I relate back to the point above; be a great communicator.

Through good communication, set expectations with your clients both verbally and in writing.

One of the hot topics this year in business is the role of customer service. The challenge is that in the B2B service sector in which we all operate, this often gets missed.

Choice for our clients is now everywhere and therefore any clients can decide not to work with us, in the full knowledge that there is another commercial solicitor round the corner.

The good news is it’s easy to get a good reputation for managing your commercial property clients well.

  • Communicate expectations and boundaries
  • Talk on the phone or face to face
  • Set timeframes and keep people informed
  • Resolve issues

These are all actions which are easy to action provided we put our ego out of the way.

About Clayton Legal

Clayton Legal has been partnering with law firms across the country since 1999 and during that time has built up an enviable reputation for trust and reliability. We have made over 5,000 placements from partners to legal executives, solicitors to paralegals and legal IT personnel to practice managers.

If you are building your legal team or looking for your next career move, we can help.

Call us on 01772 259 121 or email us here.

If you would like to know more about recruiting trends in the legal sector this year download our latest guide here.

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Plan a successful 2019 – reflect on the past to prepare for the future

  • December 18, 2018

Whether you’re taking time off over Christmas to enjoy the last few days of 2018 or are already looking ahead to what 2019 will bring, the end of the year is the ideal time to pause and think. We’ve looked back at some of the highs and lows of the year, to help you reflect on what’s gone well for you this year. We’ve also included a round-up of our most helpful blogs from this year, so that you can plan ahead and get 2019 off to a successful start.

2018 in review

The start of 2018 was a difficult time for legal professionals who specialise in personal injury, thanks to uncertainty over the so-called ‘whiplash reforms’. Over the summer, it was announced that the reforms would be pushed back to April 2020.

The knock-on effect has been really positive and we’ve seen the number of personal injury job vacancies rise. Firms have a clearer picture of what will happen over the coming year or so, which has meant they are more open to recruiting staff to handle the workload, rather than slowing down operations. And for legal professionals who specialise in personal injury, it has meant greater job security until the spring of 2020.

If you are just starting a personal injury role, or you’re taking up any kind of new position in January, then you’ll want to make a good impression. Looking back on the year can help you plan for the future and in September we published our tips for those who are about to start a new role in law. We hope that it helps you make the start of 2019 the best start to a year in your career.

The job market for legal professionals

Whether you are just starting a new legal job or have been in a role for years, the legal sector is certainly healthy. Across the industry, there’s often talk of skill shortages, which at first does appear to be a negative. Indeed, in our own research, conveyancing is highlighted as being an area lacking in specialists.

From an employee’s point of view, it means the demand for legal professionals is on the rise. Lots of clients needing advice means that firms need professionals to meet demand and across the year we’ve been kept busy placing everything from Legal Secretaries to Partners. In fact, at the end of November the number of registered solicitors hit 192, 516, that’s nearly a 4% increase on the same time last year. And while the legal sector employs a wide variety of people – not only solicitors – it’s certainly a good indicator that the legal market is booming.

Of course, it’s not possible to reflect on 2018 without mentioning Brexit at some point! For the world of business and work, it has meant a great deal of uncertainty and the legal sector isn’t immune from that. And while the circumstances are challenging, uncertainty could actually benefit legal staff. Firms are trying to hold onto talent in the face of adversity and this means better security and prospects for employees. The CIPD found that 26% more employers are developing staff internally following the Brexit vote, which is good news for those in employment.

To make sure 2019 is a success, the best thing that candidates can do is to plan ahead. Be sure of where you want to go in your career and look at how your firm can support you to get there. If you’re not sure whether you can see a future with your current employer our blog, ‘How to tell whether your legal job is going well or not’, will help you make a decision.

Clayton Legal is committed to your success

Our reputation rests on our ability to help you find the very best job for your skills and interests. Two of our key values are trust and relationships and we work hard to build both of these with the candidates we work with. Candidates appreciate these values and the fact that we listen to what you want to get out of a new position.

What’s more, we also build strong relationships with our clients. This is beneficial to candidates because we have a solid understanding of the firms we work with and the vacancy on offer. By taking the time to know both parties we can successfully match applicants with their ideal role. In the short term, it means that you find the new position that you’ve been looking for, and in the long-term it gives you confidence that you’ll feel happy that your values align with the firm’s values for a long time to come.

Candidates and Clayton Legal: success stories

From partners to paralegals, in our lifetime we’ve helped over 3,000 legal professionals find their ideal role. Our passion for legal recruitment means that we’re always seeking to improve our service so that we can help more and more professionals.

In 2018 we’ve expanded across the UK from our home base in the North West. That means we’re now able to assist candidates in all corners of the country, from London to Bristol, Manchester to Leeds.

We’ve also introduced a new service placing locums. We recognise that in 2018 there is no longer a ‘one-size-fits-all’ legal job role and we’re proud to support a wide range of professionals, who are looking for very different things from their work life, to get their ideal position.

Planning ahead to 2019

Despite challenges and minor setbacks, 2018 has been a good year for legal professionals. And while it’s helpful to look back at successes and challenges this year and determine what that might mean, it’s also key to look ahead at what the future holds.

So, if you think that 2019 could be the year that you make a career change, we’ve put together our top five blogs from this year to help you land the role you’ve been dreaming of:

  1. Do I stay, or do I go? How to make the decision whether to stay in your current law job or leave
  2. What to leave off from your CV
  3. What is your interviewer actually looking for?
  4. Prepare, excel and get the job with our legal interview checklist
  5. The job offer – what next?

And if you’re thinking of making a fresh start with a new job in January, it’s not too late to apply! We’d be happy to discuss what you’re looking for and to get things underway ahead of the new year.

Call us on 01772 529 121, and one of our friendly and professional legal consultants will be happy to help.

You may also like to download our guide on How to Develop Your Legal CV.

In the meantime, we hope you have an enjoyable Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

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Why partnering with a legal recruitment specialist could make 2019 your best year

  • December 13, 2018

As we head towards the end of the year and get ready to welcome a new one, it’s an ideal opportunity to reflect. That’s why we’ve put together this blog, to help you assess what difficulties the legal sector has faced this year, and how to plan so that 2019 gets off to a successful start.

Challenges and opportunities in 2018

Earlier this year we published research into the legal sector’s biggest challenges and opportunities in 2018. One of the main things that emerged was firms’ fears about how skills shortages might impact on growth. Conveyancing, both residential and commercial, was highlighted as a particular area of concern, as property specialists come under increasing pressure. There’s certainly no shortage of work for those that do specialise in property, and changes to the Law Society’s Conveyancing Quality scheme may add to conveyancing professionals’ list of things to do.

The other major challenge highlighted in our white paper, was the political landscape – no, we’re not quite on to the ‘B’ word yet! At the start of 2018 firms were facing uncertainty over what would happen regarding the so-called ‘whiplash reforms’. Thankfully, as we approach the end of the year there’s much greater clarity, with the reforms having been pushed back to April 2020. We reported back in October that we’d already seen a sharp increase in the number of personal injury vacancies emerging, which offers greater job security for those who specialise in that field, at least for the next year or so.

What’s happening across the market: plan now, succeed later

The good news on whiplash reforms isn’t the only piece of positivity that 2018 has delivered. While the legal sector, and many other professions, have found Brexit to be a challenge, firms have also reported that it represents an opportunity.

The changing relationship with Europe could actually mean that those who specialise in litigation may find themselves in demand, as businesses and individuals require advice. The best thing to do is to plan for all eventualities. Faced with uncertainty and skills shortages, firms’ best bet is to work hard to retain staff now. In fact, research carried out by CIPD shows that 26% of organisations are placing a greater emphasis on developing existing staff. Our blog, ‘Save Time, Money And Resources: Retain Your Best Legal Talent’, has tips on how best to achieve that.

Changes have meant that some situations have become clearer, for example the whiplash reforms. And while some things remain a little foggy – Brexit being a prime example – planning and retention strategies can help secure your success in 2019 and beyond.

Partnering with Clayton

Equipping clients with what they need to achieve their objectives now and in the future is what we aim to do, after all, we’re only as successful as our clients. In order to help you achieve your goals, we use two vital elements:

  • Each client has a dedicated legal recruitment consultant
  • We build strong, trusting relationships with clients by always taking the time to listen to your needs and challenges. Candidate relationships are key also and we have built up a large database of quality candidates

By focusing on your success, we have reinforced our own values of trust, relationships, and growth. These values are what clients appreciate, and we often share the same values as the firms that we serve, making for a stronger partnership.

We take building positive client relationships seriously, and also strive to build strong relationships with our employees too. So if you’re the kind of firm that is committed to building an employer brand that not only attracts but retains talent, then we could be a good match!

In fact, a prominent law firm was recently struggling to source quality candidates with the right skill set for the role. By upholding the two key elements above we were quickly able to fill the post. Not only did this reduce the demand on the client’s time, it allowed them to focus on their day job, which was much more beneficial for business. The client was delighted with the outcome and commented that “Clayton Legal understand what we want and deliver by taking the process away that leads us to being able to concentrate on the business.”

Of course, each client measures success differently, although 91% of clients have reported being really pleased with Clayton and the results of working with us.

Talent can be the scarcest resource, which is why our goal is to use our market expertise, insight and networks to ensure that we provide the right people to the right firms, so that they become their greatest asset.

Clayton Legal’s success stories

We’re delighted to hear such positive feedback and are proud to say that we have filled over 3,000 placements in our lifetime. We have worked alongside firms to recruit positions ranging from:

  • Partners to Legal Executives
  • Solicitors to Paralegals
  • Legal IT personnel to Practice Managers

Our ongoing dedication to and passion for legal recruitment means that we’re continually refining our knowledge of the market and improving the service we offer to clients.

As part of our continual desire to improve, we have achieved the following successes this year:

  • 2018 has seen our fifth continuous year of growth, which is testament to our MD Lynn, the work of the whole team, and the fantastic clients that we serve.
  • It’s not just in a financial sense that we’ve grown. From our base in the North West, we’ve expanded across the UK and are proud to be supporting clients as far afield as London, Birmingham, Leeds, Bristol, as well as the South East.
  • This year we’ve also introduced a service providing locum professionals across the legal landscape. We understand that sometimes your firm needs a helping hand without taking on the financial responsibility of an entirely new member of staff; a locum worker is a great alternative.

Looking forward to 2019

While we’ve celebrated some of our own successes here, it’s been a good time for the legal profession as a whole, despite various obstacles. Indeed, at the end of November the number of solicitors on the roll was 192,516, up on last year and at the highest point in 2018. The sector is proving to be healthy, regardless of its challenges.

This is reflected in our 2018 Salary Survey which highlights that, despite ongoing skills shortages in areas like conveyancing,  firms have felt more positive about the availability of legal skills in general. And while there have been plenty of challenges in 2018, they have been balanced with opportunities. We’re certainly looking forward to 2019 and continuing to support law firms with their needs.

And if you’re thinking of recruiting, it’s not too late to get things underway before Christmas. We’ll be here until the 24th of December and will be more than happy to help with whatever recruitment challenge you’re facing.

Whether it’s a last-minute locum emergency or a full-time employee for 2019 expansion plans, call us on 01772 259 121 and one of our talented consultants will be able to assist you.

In the meantime, you might like to find out more about what a specialist firm can bring to the table in our blog: Big firm, little firm…get the best from your recruitment provider.

You may also like to download our latest report on trends in law: The 7 critical recruitment trends in law that will impact your talent pipeline in 2019.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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Do I stay, or do I go? How to make the decision whether to stay in your current law job or leave

  • November 12, 2018

A new job brings with it new challenges and the opportunity to make a positive change. But what if you’re on the fence about leaving your current role? Deciding whether to stay in a job or to leave is a complex process. For many legal professionals there is a whole range of considerations to make, from skills and experience, work-life balance and family commitments, to future career ambitions and meeting your goals.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach, the choice has to be an individual one that suits you. That’s why we’ve put together this blog to walk you through important considerations and hopefully make the decision a little easier for you.

Weigh up your options

If the possibility of leaving your position is on your mind, it’s useful to start by weighing up your options. The first step is to consider your job role and the firm generally, and to look at all of the positives, followed by all of the negatives. Does it meet your career ambitions, are you achieving your own goals of where you’d like to be now or in the future? When you compare the two lists side by side, does one significantly outweigh the other or is there not much in it?

The next step is to think about your skills and experience: what value can you add? Hands-on experience is a real asset to any firm, so look for opportunities where your work experience could match up with demand. For example, it was announced earlier this year that the whiplash reforms have been pushed back a year to 2020, leading to an increase in personal injury jobs – ideal if that’s your background.

Research what’s out there, industry trends and how your skill set could fit that. Don’t forget about skills that aren’t strictly related to the work either. Things such as managerial experience, a second language, or knowledge of a particular sector can all be valuable to a potential employer, so make sure you highlight these aspects too. Many job seekers also find it beneficial to have a chat with a recruitment consultant as well as doing their own research.

The end of the year; time for a change?

If the thought of finding a new job is playing on your mind, the start of a new year is the ideal time to make a change. According to HR Magazine, January is the most likely time for employees to start a new job, with nearly a fifth of people (18%) saying that it’s the most popular time to move. If you’re making plans for the future of your career, a new year and a fresh start can give you the impetus to bring the plan into action.

Important considerations

When weighing up whether to leave your job or to stay, there are considerations to make that will impact your decision. One of the most common factors that crop up for legal professionals is the issue of work-life balance. Long hours can put a strain on your work as well as home life and can prove challenging, especially if there are partners or children to consider. If you feel that the firm’s culture isn’t supportive of you striking the right balance it can cause feelings of frustration and resentment to creep in, which will make you unhappy in the long term.

As well as the big issues, smaller factors add up and feed into your decision. Some of the most important considerations when deciding to stay or go are around ‘push’ and ‘pull’ factors.

Push factors are exactly as they sound – things that make you want to look elsewhere. They might include:

  • Doesn’t meet with your career ambitions and goals.
  • Work life balance – are you able to achieve your life goals?
  • Feeling that the work isn’t suited to you, that you are not challenged by it, or that the workload is simply too much or too little.
  • Disagreeing with the overall direction of the firm.
  • Is the firm growing, or does it feel like it’s staid?
  • The general company culture doesn’t fit with your values.

Pull factors are things that draw you to a particular job role or company. These might include:

  • Career prospects – is there room for promotion within the firm?
  • Do they encourage people to learn and develop their skills and experience?
  • Location – would a move mean a shorter commute, for example?
  • Salary – money can be a powerful motivator and a higher salary can be an attractive pull for many people.
  • Benefits – the right benefits package that appeals to you can be very appealing and can give an indication as to how the firm treats their staff.
  • Will a move to the new firm help fulfil your own career plan?

How a recruitment agency can help you decide

A legal recruitment consultant can assist job seekers in a number of ways:

  • Overview of the market: consultants are in constant communication with law firms and are well versed in what the market looks like currently. Having a confidential discussion with a legal recruitment consultant will give you a good idea of what’s out there and what real employers are looking for.
  • A fresh perspective: having knowledge of what firms are looking for can be helpful for you, as consultants can encourage you to emphasise skills that you might not have known were sought after. They can also suggest roles that you may have otherwise overlooked, giving you a better chance at finding the job role you’re looking for, and hunt out new career opportunities that you might not otherwise have access to.
  • Feedback and insight: any legal recruiter worth their salt will have developed good relationships with their clients over time. They can ask employers for feedback, which candidates can sometimes feel shy or awkward about asking for. This gives you useful insight into how you can improve your performance next time.

Decision time

When you’ve weighed up your options, thought about whether the timing is right and considered all of the various push and pull factors, it’s time to make a decision. Your recruitment consultant can listen to your goals, offer words of wisdom and make suggestions. Ultimately, however, they cannot decide which job is right for you – only you can make the decision to stay in or leave a job.

So if you’re feeling a little unsure about what to do, perhaps increasing your awareness of what’s out there will help you decide. Our specialist legal recruitment consultants would be happy to talk through your options – why not give us a call? We’re on 01772 259 121 and would be pleased to hear from you, alternatively you can look at our vacancies online.

You may also find our last blog: How to tell whether your job is going well or not, useful in helping you evaluate what you’d like to do.

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More than money: the true cost of legal sector recruitment

  • November 8, 2018

A stable workforce means that your law firm runs smoothly and without interruption, so when a staff member leaves it can have a big impact on the rest of the firm. Valuable skills and job-specific knowledge that have built up over time disappear with a departing staff member, leaving you in a tricky position to bridge the gap. These practical implications of recruitment can have just as heavy a cost to your firm as the financial element.

That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help explain what the true cost of recruiting is to your firm. From finances to how attrition rates impact your recruitment, we’ve considered some of the things you may not have thought about when it comes to your recruitment costs.

Recruitment costs: facts and figures

To understand the true cost of recruiting, it’s useful to look at the facts and figures and what costs they refer to. When a staff member leaves, your firm could find itself paying for everything from agency fees to the wages of temporary and locum staff.

Research carried out by Oxford Economics suggests that it costs more than £30,000 to replace a staff member, with the legal profession bearing the highest costs at £39,887 per employee. Two main reasons for this cost are highlighted in the findings:

  • Firstly, the logistics of recruiting a new staff member and the associated costs that go along with that. For example, HR activity and the cost to the firm of the interview process.
  • Secondly, the reduction in productivity while the new staff member gets up to speed. According to the report, the average legal professional takes 32 weeks to reach optimum efficiency, which makes it one of the longest periods of reduced productivity. This makes the legal sector the most costly industry in which to replace a lost staff member.

The financial figures are striking of course, although it’s important not to overlook the bigger picture. Not only does a departing staff member result in a monetary cost to the business there is a range of knock-on effects:

  • HR spends considerable time going through leaving and joining processes, completing all the relevant paperwork as well as sourcing a replacement.
  • Management has to spend time arranging for the work to be covered, either by distributing it amongst existing staff or appointing temporary cover. There’s also the time spent away from everyday work conducting interviews to account for.
  • The workload of colleagues increases and there is a general reduction in productivity as staff take time to readjust and the new person to settle in.

Not only is this expensive, it’s time-consuming: resources which could be used to retain staff are instead spent on finding a replacement. There’s the commercial element to consider also, as time and energy are put into recruitment which could be put to more effective use by serving clients.

Attrition rates and their impact on recruitment costs

Losing a well-established member of staff is undoubtedly a blow to your firm, although it’s equally important to consider how attrition rates play into your overall recruitment costs. If you find that you hire someone only for them to leave after a short while, or if staff aren’t sticking with you for the long term, it can greatly influence the cost of recruitment to your firm. What’s more, if staff churn is causing disruption, then it’s unlikely that the workforce at large is working at optimum productivity.

There’s a mixed picture on attrition rates across the board. PwC’s Annual Law Firms’ Survey 2018 shows a difference between the top 25 law firms and the firms in the rest of the top 50. The number of newly qualified solicitors in the top 25 firms has decreased, as did those with up to two years’ PQE. While PwC suggests that this is due to ‘underutilisation’ of legal professionals at this level, it does perhaps show that the top firms pose a problem to the rest of the sector in their ability to attract the kind of experienced, talented individuals that smaller firms would want to retain.

However, the NQ headcount was up by 33% amongst firms in the top 26-50. In our own research, firms felt more positive about attrition rates in 2018 which suggests that law firms are getting better at retaining staff, at the Newly Qualified level at least. Indeed, the PwC findings back this up suggesting there has been a greater desire to ‘nurture’ talent.

Showing staff that you are invested in their development is one of the most effective ways to retain them. Legal professionals that can see a future with your firm are less likely to leave and this reduces your costs associated with recruitment.

It’s important to point out, however, that attrition hasn’t disappeared entirely. Numerous respondents to our Salary Survey did say that high salaries offered by bigger firms can be problematic. This means firms either need to try and compete financially – for example, paying city-like salaries to tempt candidates to a rural location – which is a costly move. Or, they could try alternative tactics such as offering flexible working and a better work-life balance than the big firms can.

Why law firms benefit from using a recruitment agency

Knowing what will attract candidates, what will drive them away, and what will help to keep employees is invaluable. And especially when it comes to attracting candidates in the legal field, having a specialist recruitment agency on your side can make a big difference. As the Oxford Economics report suggests, the legal sector is more likely to use a specialist recruitment agency because of the need for quality over quantity; specific skills and knowledge are needed, therefore an agent that understands the sector is beneficial.

A legal recruitment agency will not only be familiar with all the quirks of the legal profession, they will be able to think outside of the box and help you to consider candidates that you might not otherwise have done, giving you more choice. Of course, using a recruitment agency rather than recruiting in-house incurs a cost. However, by making use of a partner with specialist skills, your staff are free to do what they do best, meaning that you save time and money in the long term. Placing the right candidate with your firm will also reduce attrition rates, meaning you spend less on recruitment than you would do if attrition rates remained high.

If recruiting, or even retaining staff, is something that your firm has been struggling with why not give us a call on 01772 259 121? We’ve over twenty years’ experience in the legal recruitment field and would be pleased to help.

You may also find out recent blog ‘Save time, money and resources: retain your best legal talent’, of interest if you’re looking for some new ideas on how to retain your staff.

And please feel free to register your vacancy online, if you’re looking to recruit at the moment.

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Personal Injury Whiplash Reforms

  • October 18, 2018

Earlier this year the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) announced that it would delay the proposed ‘whiplash reforms’ until April 2020. The reforms, which were due to come into effect by April 2019, will now be delayed for a year so that the online claim platform can be tested from next October. The delay means that those with whiplash claims will still require the services of a legal professional, instead of representing themselves for small claims. The knock-on effect is that personal injury specialists are still in high demand.

A chance to make a difference

The delay means that uncertainty around the future of personal injury specialists has been postponed. We are receiving job vacancies across the personal injury niche, including solicitors, legal assistants, fee earners, and legal secretaries, to name the most sought-after positions.

For those who already work in personal injury, the news may come as a relief. The fact that there are plenty of opportunities available doesn’t just mean job security. One of the major criticisms of the reform is that the removal of trained legal professionals leaves a void that will be filled by unscrupulous claims management companies. If you’re passionate about seeking justice for those people who have been injured, then a post in personal injury gives you the chance to help people in need. Even if you haven’t worked in personal injury before, the timing could offer you a way to try out this field without any long-term commitment.

Background to the whiplash reforms

The Association of British Insurers (ABI) is lobbying for reforms to the current compensation system. It wants to weed out fraudulent claims and make it easier for people with genuine injuries to make a claim. The online system that has been put forward will remove the need for those people with a low-value claim to use legal representation – they will instead essentially represent themselves. The ABI says that this will reduce the legal costs associated with a claim and result in lower insurance premiums for motorists. However, there is some debate as to how much of a good thing this will be for the general public and the extent to which it is a fair system for ordinary people to represent themselves.

The numbers – a viable opportunity

According to the ABI, there are 1,500 whiplash claims every day in the UK. And with all of those people still requiring legal representation for another year, the numbers present a wide and varied opportunity to undertake work in the personal injury arena. Furthermore, the specialism isn’t limited geographically; accidents can happen at any time, anywhere. That makes personal injury a viable career choice whichever corner of the UK you’re based in.

In fact, Clayton Legal’s own research bears out the numerical significance of the specialism. We surveyed 12,000 firms earlier this year and found that 20% of those were personal injury specialists. That’s a significant proportion of the legal sector, and no doubt radical reforms could have equally significant consequences for the personal injury field as a whole.

The delay offers some reassurance to those who were feeling uncertain about the future of their jobs and what might happen to their specialist field. Since news of the delay was announced, Clayton has seen an increase in the number of personal injury vacancies, indicating that demand for legal professionals in this niche is high.

If you’re considering a move, or even if you work in the personal injury field already, get in touch by scheduling a call with us. We’d be pleased to hear from you and we hope we can help make your next career move as smooth as possible.

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How to tell whether your legal job is going well or not

  • October 15, 2018

When things are going well in your job it’s a great feeling. Work that interests you and which you find enjoyable doesn’t just make the week go by quicker, it leaves you feeling fulfilled and that you are making a difference. Indeed, those in the legal profession often feel that their job satisfaction comes from more than monetary reward; quality pro bono work and development provide opportunities for professional growth.

But what happens if things aren’t going quite so well? What tell-tale signs should you look out for, and how can you tell whether seeking employment elsewhere would be beneficial? It’s an important consideration, and that’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you determine how well your job is going – and what you can do about it.

When things aren’t quite going right in your position

In life and at work things sometimes go wrong. Perhaps you applied for a promotion that you didn’t get or maybe you made an honest mistake in your work. Whatever the reason, when things don’t quite go right, it’s very off-putting. It can leave you feeling distracted, worried about your position, and often this leads to underperformance, creating a vicious circle.

The most important thing is being able to recognise when you can make improvements and when things are beyond your control. For example, asking the partners for feedback might explain what you could do differently next time to secure the promotion. Or maybe you’ll discover that the budget for the new position was unexpectedly withdrawn, which isn’t something you can help. Positive action will give you a clearer answer than continuing to worry about a situation.

How do you know if you should stay in your position or leave?

Being positive and taking proactive steps are important. However, if you feel that things aren’t quite right it’s still important that you consider whether you should stay with or leave the firm.

If you’ve asked yourself what changes you can make for the better, acted on those changes, and things still aren’t working out, the next step is to speak to your manager. Can they provide extra support? If things don’t improve, or if help is not forthcoming then it may be time to consider a new position.

What are the warning signs for when things are not going well?

Determining whether your job is going well or not can be tough, although there are signs to watch out for which will help you decide.

Internal factors: Low motivation is a clue that your job is not fulfilling you. If you dread working with colleagues or partners then it’s also a sign that things could be better. Spending time wishing for the weekend or dreading Monday morning are also clues that the job is not going as well as it could.

External factors: Key things to watch out for that indicate your job is not going well are missing targets, being invited to performance reviews by management, and being passed over for promotion. Ask for feedback wherever you can as this will equip you with information which you can act on and change things for a more positive outcome. If the feedback is vague, very negative or you don’t receive any, then it could be an indication that the job isn’t playing to your strengths.

What is your workload like: too much or not enough?

Your workload has a big impact on your success in a position. While targets can be motivating, if you don’t hit them, they can have the opposite effect. PwC reported that legal professionals across every level of experience are failing to meet targets. If you find yourself in a similar situation, ask yourself why it’s happening. Are the targets unrealistic, or is there simply too much work for you to do? In which case a discussion with your manager could result in more achievable targets and a more manageable workload.

On the other hand, maybe you feel that you don’t have enough to do. If you’re unmotivated or under stimulated by your work, it could mean that the position isn’t quite right.

It’s about achieving a balanced workload that will challenge you without leaving you burnt out.

According to figures published in the Law Society Gazette, the number of practising solicitors has reached an all-time high at 140,000. If your area of specialism is oversubscribed, then it could mean you have little work to do. Consider a position in a different area and you might find that a new challenge brings a fresh outlook.

Is the firm’s culture right for you?

The culture of a firm has an impact not only on your work but also how much you enjoy working in your job role. If the culture doesn’t appeal to you, then it can be a major factor in prompting you to leave. When we surveyed law firms earlier this year, we found that 78% of firms thought that attrition rates were getting better. This is significantly more positive than the 51% of firms who thought the same in 2016. Interestingly, the most common reason given for firms to think that attrition rates were improving was down to the firm’s culture, which shows it to be a very important factor.

This also suggests that law firms are getting better at creating enjoyable cultures for all of their staff. If there’s still work to be done, or if the culture just doesn’t make you feel at ease, it will affect how you feel about your job and your performance in the end.

Do the firm’s values marry with your own?

The values of a law firm are often linked closely with its culture – if the values don’t match up with your own, then you might find that things don’t go as smoothly in your job as you would like. Our salary survey found firms place particular importance on candidates with a sound commercial understanding, one respondent said: “There are plenty of law graduates, but we are finding that partners are looking for people with legal experience rather than law degrees.” If the firm you work for is very much driven by results, profits and big characters, and you’re more interested in providing excellent customer service, then you could find the values of the firm don’t fit with your own personal values. This can make your experience of a job very unenjoyable and increase your chances of looking for a new position in the future.

Feeling happy with your decision

Whether you decide to stay in your current job role or move on, the most important thing is that it’s the right decision for you. Taking the above into account will help you establish whether or not you should stay and try to make improvements or to jump ship.

We’ve worked with legal professionals for decades to help them get the best out of their careers – whether that means staying or leaving a job.

So, if you’re feeling unsure about the best course of action, then speak to one of our team on 01772 259 121 – we’d be happy to help.

If you are thinking of moving jobs, then you may like to read our blog: Moving Jobs: Factors that influence your decision.

You can also register your CV online, and why not have a browse through some of our existing vacancies.

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